Personal and practical: How to dress like Alex Natt
I’ve admired the style of photographer Alex Natt – who takes most of the pictures for Permanent Style these days – for several years. He’s not the kind of person to talk about it much, and he certainly doesn...
Personal and practical: How to dress like Alex Natt
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Do you know what others will be wearing? That's the first consideration. Is it the kind of thing where they will be wearing black?...
Sex appeal: Between vulnerability and confidence
*Updated: We've added a couple of images of creators rather than models - Luke and Nicolas* By André Larnyoh Over the Christmas holidays, I was stressing about what to wear to an event where the dress code was ‘cocktail attire’. I...
Sex appeal: Between vulnerability and confidence
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I have to say I dislike the way this site assumes the financial capacity of its readership to "go out" regularly. The number of us wearing velvet and dining out in London is shrinking rapidly....