Paris: A menswear shopping guide – 2024 update
Quite a lot has changed in the five years since we last updated this Paris shopping guide (and yes, I know just as much as changed elsewhere – we will also update the others!). Kenjiro Suzuki has left, the Viaduc des Arts has dr...
Paris: A menswear shopping guide – 2024 update
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I don't. If you don't hear from anyone else, try asking at a shop that does tailoring perhaps, like Husbands or JMM...
Aubercy shoes, Paris – made-to-order enthus...
One of the loveliest things about the bespoke industry is the preponderance of open, generous people – in sharp contrast to the pretension of fashion. But while I have got to know many of our industry’s enthusiasts over the years, no on...
Aubercy shoes, Paris – made-to-order enthus...
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i need the prices for this shoes...
Two pairs of Anthony Cleverleys
While meeting the impossibly nice Xavier Aubercy last week, we got talking about the archive of shoes owned by Arturo Lopez, a friend and customer of Xavier’s grandfather Andre Aubercy. Lopez was a customer of many shoemakers, and his coll...
Two pairs of Anthony Cleverleys
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Striking how well they match! It would be great to have an image from the side of your shoe as well, as I have the memory that the "serres d'aigle" effect of the toe box is slightly less pronounced in the recent shoe? Al...
Leffot shoes: New York is hooked
My first visit in New York was, naturally, to the shoe store Leffot. When I was in New York four years ago, I stumbled across Steven Taffel’s new shop the month it opened. At that point you couldn’t get half the brands that he stocked &nd...
Leffot shoes: New York is hooked
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Thanks Simon...