The (55) bespoke tailors I have known

June 3rd 2020

  This post was originally written in 2012: a breakdown of all the tailors I have tried personally (rather than just written about), split into different countries. It was updated in 2016, and I have updated it again now in 2020, adding a fu...

The (55) bespoke tailors I have known

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I know you can't try them all but it appears you're getting close, lol. As far as Eric's operation, I'll know more when I meet with him in Las Vegas October 21st. He was originally scheduled for only Los Angeles and San ...

June 3rd 2020

An exercise in wardrobe building

December 4th 2009

I commissioned my third bespoke suit from Graham Browne today, and I had thought about the choice pretty constantly for three weeks. There was one particular bad night in Hong Kong, plagued by jet lag, where I turned over the options for jetted versu...

An exercise in wardrobe building

Match in comments:
1 - yes, it's an excellent cloth 2 - mohair probably not, fresco certainly is 3 - yep, fine. Mine all are...

StyleDecember 4th 2009