The guide to Shetland sweaters: Part two, brands
By Manish Puri "In part one of this guide, we discussed the general styles and constructions of Shetland jumpers, which I hope helped provide context for which jumper is right for you and why. Now that you’ve eaten your metaphorical vegetables...
The guide to Shetland sweaters: Part two, brands
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O'Connell's standard shetlands are indeed Jamieson's since a J tag comes with each one. The exception may be the Voe's since there is no identifier. These are all high quality. I do miss the Shetlands sold by the 2 Oxfor...
The heritage brands of John Simons: Vetra, Dehen,...
Last week, I wrote something of an homage to John Simons , the retailer that did so much to bring the Ivy League Look to the UK - and in the process, changed it into something more British and working class. John championed heritage brands long bef...
The heritage brands of John Simons: Vetra, Dehen,...
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Thanks Lindsay, yes we mentioned that in a more recent post, the Spring Top 10. Thanks for adding it here though...
John Simons – the shop, the history, the in...
In normal menswear - not even classic menswear, but everyday, everybody menswear, everything outside big fashion brands - retailers can often have more influence than designers. People like Charlie Davidson of The Andover Shop, Isabel Ettedgui of Co...
John Simons – the shop, the history, the in...
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No ones mentioned Jeff Kwintner who was John’s partner I started in 1970 as a window dresser and they had split up John never mentions Jeff who ended up with Squire,Village Gate, Thackeray and Cassidy shops John remain...
Best menswear shop 2020: Dick’s, Edinburgh
Best UK menswear store outside London: Dick's, Edinburgh Runner's up: End, Kafka, Oi Polloi, Stewart Christie, Walker Slater, The Bureau, Aero Leather One of the loveliest things about the PS awards this year was the opportunity to highl...
Best menswear shop 2020: Dick’s, Edinburgh
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I’ll be probably looking mostly for knitwear. Of course there’s Kinlough Anderson in Leith, probably the best place anywhere for lovers of Scottish kilts and traditional apparel...