With the slow disappearance of the tie from the male wardrobe, the shirt collar has become increasingly important. It now bears almost sole responsibility for framing and flattering the face.
However, guides to shirt collars – such as this one – still focus primarily on shirts worn with ties. They also spend too much time (in my view) discussing antiquated styles, such as club collars, tabs and pins.
This piece aims to correct both those points. It will provide an overview of different collar shapes, and discuss collars worn with ties; but the focus will be on shapes men actually wear – and how those work with and without a tie.
The types of collar
There are three main shapes of collar: the spread, the point and the button-down. Most people will know which those are, but for those that don’t, pictures like the ones above illustrate that pretty quickly.
Each of those three collars has three main variables, which affect how the collar looks and the relationship it has with your face. Those are:
- Height (the collar stand, both at the back and front)
- Length (how long the collar is along the front edge)
- Spread (the distance between the two points)
Other, smaller points include the structure of the collar (floating, fused or no lining, in different weights) and the placement of the buttons on a button-down (and therefore how much ‘roll’ it has).
I think readers can also look at an illustration and understand that a ‘cutaway’ collar has a greater distance between the points than a ‘spread’ collar. That there is a range of each, and that there are extremes.
The names are not really important, and neither is how you define them – whether by angle or spread, for example.
What is important is to consider each of these variables when working out which style suits you. And then, just as importantly, balance that with other considerations such as style and formality.
Which collar suits you?
The general principle with collars is that the height should be similar to the proportions of your face and neck, while the spread should be the opposite.
So if you have a longer neck (as I do), the collar should be higher. If you have a narrow face (as I do), the collar should also be higher. Reverse that for shorter and wider.
However, the opposite applies for the spread of the collar. So I should wear a wider collar in order to stop my face looking too long (B2, above). Someone with a wide face should wear a point collar (A2, above).
The idea is that the height needs to be proportionate to your face, while the spread mitigates the overall shape, and stops it looking too extreme.
These rules make basic sense, I think. Certainly more than the other way around.
But I find considerations of height more important than spread. A low collar is definitely unflattering on me, but a point less so.
In the images above, the longer collar on the left makes my head look thinner than the spread collar on the right. But it’s a minor thing. The point doesn’t look bad.
Like many ‘rules’ of menswear, it has an effect I’m fully aware of and choose to accept.
Height makes a bigger difference. Men with short necks look like they’re being swallowed by tall collars. But if I wear a low collar (or worse, a collarless/band shirt) my neck looks long and scraggly.
The John Smedley polo shirt shown above, on the right, would look better with a higher collar. The Bryceland’s Sawtooth shirt on the left, too, would look better if the collar were a little taller. Neither were made for me.
Even here, though, I’ve chosen to wear these in spite of their shortcomings. The Smedley polo because the fit everywhere else is so good. And the Sawtooth because I love the material and style.
The other thing to remember with collar height, is that both back and the front are important.
It’s easy to focus on the back, where the collar is in clear relationship with the line of the neck and the collar of the jacket (above). But if the front of the collar is too low, it has the same effect of making the neck look too long. Particularly when worn without a tie.
The collar is supposed to frame the face, to gently lead the viewer up to it and set it in its best light. To do this it needs to be well-proportioned all round. I’ve indicated those framing lines in the image below.
The lack of tie
That image above is one without a tie, and I think it’s a good example of how important collar shape then becomes. Not only is it the only clothing around the neck, but it sits away from the body, and is therefore more prominent.
Unfortunately, most shirt collars are designed just to be worn with a tie, and so don’t work very well in this regard. They collapse too readily under the collar of a jacket.
For a collar to work well on its own, it must be high enough to sit right outside the jacket; it must have points that are lower or support themselves better; and it helps enormously if the collar can ‘roll’ around the jacket collar. Lightly fused collars are better for this, as they mould more easily.
Button-down styles are also usually easier, given the support the collar points have. But a spread collar can work just as well, if the fusing means it can mould and curve.
In the image above, you can see how this (fused) spread collar rolls in a nice ‘S’ shape from the neck down under the jacket. That shape makes it much less likely to collapse.
Other collars
As mentioned at the start, I think a lot of collar styles look rather antiquated today. They tend to become fashionable with the help of a TV series (Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Peaky Blinders) but never stop appearing ‘period’ to most people.
In this category I would place the small, rounded ‘club’ collar, and any that use something to fasten the two side of the collar together – whether tab, pin or bar. They also largely only work with a tie.
Personally, I also dislike ‘hidden’ button downs, where the collar buttons to the body of the shirt, but by virtue of a button hidden under its point.
This style seems a little fussy to me (always a danger in sartorial menswear) and there’s always a point when you’re talking to someone wearing one, and you notice the fastening because the collar moves unnaturally.
The camp or Cuban collar (above) has become more fashionable recently, and I think has a more permanent place in the wardrobe, by virtue of being so casual.
The key here is to remember the points about height: a camp collar has no structure, and is often cut quite low. Those with a longer neck should seek out ones that are cut higher on the neck, to allow for the lack of collar stand.
And another recent trend is the one-piece collar (above), where the inside of the placket and the top collar are cut from one piece, so there is no visible seam.
The collar is of course made in more than one piece, and there is a seam for the underside of the collar, separating it from the body. But the outside has a lovely, natural-looking roll.
It looks appreciatively casual, and you can see why it is sometimes called the ‘holiday’ collar.
My only warning there is to consider how the collar looks with and without a jacket. Often a nice, large roll with a jacket becomes rather large and unwieldy once the jacket is removed.
These are not rules
We could go into more depth on any of these types of collars. The obsession Americans have with unlined button-downs, for example, which are often declared ‘correct’ without consideration of any other context.
In the end, the most important thing is not to focus on names or traditions, but merely be able to assess the practical effects of any style of collar – and hopefully this piece has given you some tools to do so.
Once you’ve done that, consider how much those effects matter to you. If your style and the rest of your clothing suits a high, cutaway collar, that’s just as important as what’s flattering. If a low collar suits you, but a higher one looks appropriately formal in your office, that’s important too.
Collars are also less important than they used to be.
When everyone wore a dark suit, black shoes and a silk tie, the angle of a collar stood out. Today, with separate jackets and trousers, and more colour and pattern, there’s a lot more going on and they stand out less.
As ever, your aim should always be to just make an informed decision. And if in doubt, avoid extremes. No reflex-angle cutaways or Goodfellas points. Just something nice and moderate and middling.
Above: A nice shot from our Shirtmakers Symposium a few years ago. Note the different collar shapes. A range of cutaways, with Jack Sepetjian (third from left) having the most extreme, and two unusual buttondowns: Justin Chang (far left) has a tab collar and hidden buttondown, while and Darren Tiernan from Budd (second from right) has a button-down one-piece collar.
All sensible! What is not included though is the relation between collar and tie. One of my major sartorial turnoffs is when a shirt collar is too small to generously frame the tie knot.
True Sam, good point
also likewise with collar width and jacket lapel width.
another turnoff is when guys with a relatively large head to torso ratio (me, for example) wear trendy skinny collars…making the heads look even larger.
You leave the button unfastened, the tie finds its own position. I always wear ties this way. Try it , It works and you’ll feel a bit original ?
Personally I think that always looks sloppy, but it’s a little personal and cultural
Also more comfortable run that NOLA humidity.
I feel that the positioning of the third shirt button is really important. Good positioning will support the collar stand and determine a good angle for the V-shape, I think. I see a lot of people just leaving one button undone, which looks horrible to me.
This is a key point !
Bravo Anonymous – move up a dan in the sartorial black belt stakes.
Thanks! But remeber: “Belts are just for keeping the trousers up.” (Mr. Miagi)
I forgot to enter my name in the post above. Sorry
Very good. I remember reading an article of yours a few years back about Luca and how his collars where made to stand without a tie. This was the selling point for me and needless to say Lucas shirts goes with or without a tie all the same.
Maybe its just me, but what puts me off in terms of not wearing a tie is actually that roll of the opening of the shirt that you mentioned above. I think what makes a man look good with no tie is the opposite, where the plaque is more overlapping. A good shirt, like Lucas, can be worn with two buttons undone and still have this effect.
I agree Nicolas. I think a tie-less shirt needs a collar that doesn’t collapse, but also a plaquet doesn’t collapse. That creates a nice v-shape that mirrors the front of a jacket.
Great post and completely agree on collar importance–the PS oxfords are so good in this respect. I also have a long, thin neck and a strong preference for taller, stronger collars. Any recommendations for other, PS-oxford–like shirts? Also, any experience with the brand Ledbury? I find their shirts are quite good largely because of the collars, which I find work really well without a tie.
Not especially on similar shirts, except for Luca Avitabile’s shirts. I always liked the collars on the Armoury polos as well.
No experience with Ledbury I’m afraid.
Anglo-Italian oxfords also have a tall color and substantial roll. Their shirts are very good for RTW, in terms of quality and fit (at least for me).
They do, I like the Anglo-Italian ones. The collar isn’t quite as high or the roll as pronounced as the Luca ones, but that will likely suit some people more.
Great post Simon. Quick question:
Who, in your experience, have been the best tailors when it comes to recommending appropriate collar shape and size?
More generally speaking, have you noticed whether english, napeolitan or parisian tailors were better at suggesting the best collar shapes for your neck and face?
With your experience do you tend to request what you want or do you still trust your tailors to come up with the best collar that’ll fit you?
I assume you mean shirtmakers rather than tailors?
I’d say that in general, the bigger houses with more experienced staff offer the best advice there – rather than any particular nationality. For example Charvet were very good in that respect, as were Budd.
Your comment about the one-piece collar where the inside of the placket and the top collar are cut from one piece might be called a ” holiday” collar. However it is also known as a paramontura collar – an Italian tailoring term for jacket lapels adopted for shirts.
It sits very well with no tie with and without jacket and is perhaps the signature style of Luca Faloni with whom I have no relationship other then customer.
Thanks Charles, and good point.
I think it’s a style that’s been around for a long time – and in fact for quite a while was seen as the signature of Loro Piana. Some makers have referred to it with me as the Loro Piana collar as well.
Thanks for this, Simon. It’s a helpful guide. I had two questions:
1. Would you make any adjustments to the construction of a shirt that you know you will wear primarily (or even exclusively) with a tie? Or would you go with the same lightly fused lining?
2. I wonder whether the size of one’s body more generally (in addition to the size and shape of the neck and face) would influence your advice. Like you, I have a fairly long and thin neck. But I’m several inches shorter, with a generally slight frame. I find that a larger collar can start to look over-sized. (Incidentally, I’m always surprised by how even relatively small differences — say a half cm increase in collar length — can create a noticeably different impression.)
1. I’d still go for a lightly fused lining, though part of that is also the fact that I know if I sometimes wear it without a tie, it will work a lot better. If something were exclusively worn with a tie, I would be happy with either make, and perhaps have a floating lining. But that’s rarely the case with me.
2. I think this can make a difference, yes. Nowhere near as much as the face shape, but it is worth taking into account. It sounds like you do already.
And yes, it’s very small changes isn’t it? I guess half a cm is actually a fairly large proportional difference.
Curious what the benefit of a floating lining would be for a shirt worn with a tie?
I assume the heavier fusing might be desirable to produce a collar that’s less likely to have an y wrinkles (already very unlikely) and generally be stiffer and more structured to go with the formality?
It’s less that there are obvious advantages with a tie, and more that it’s a nice style of collar in other ways, but only really works with a tie.
Those other nice things include the collar’s softness, and the more natural look of the top layer (just cloth, without the fusing)
Thanks. That’s helpful.
Great article, which verbalizes a lot of what I have always unconsciously felt about the look of certain collar combinations. I fully agree with all your points, except maybe the tab collar. I think it still has a place for one category of outfits, which is festive evening events that don’t warrant black tie (and it maybe works for super-senior business executives in conservative industries). I also think it looks good with morning dress.
I think getting the button down collar right is one of the more difficult problems. I’am an American and have seen a ton of ugly button down collars. I still have 2 unlined Brooks brothers from way back. They do have a sort of casual look that fused collars can’t usually match. the proper length on these seems to be 3.5 inches or 3.625 inches. The problem with having these made by some shirtmakers I have used is changing the spread changes them . Too wide a spread and you lose some of the roll. The Zegna’s and Brioni’s are all over the board in roll and spread. I have yet to be satisfied with any MTM collars I have had made. This is a problem
Once you really start to look at collars in detail , problems appear especially on poorly made RTW. At the centre back neck , the vertical measurement of height of the collar band is called the Stand in classic tailoring terms and the height of the actual collar at that point is called the Fall. Normally a good maker will have about a +1cm or less difference (depends on the thickness of the fabric and how it folds) between the Stand and the Fall so that the Fall completely covers the Stand when folded. Badly cut RTW often uses +1.5cm or more with the result in either the collar sitting badly on the shoulder or the folding point having to be moved too far above the top of the Fall. Anyway apologies if I’m boring the reader and probably time to “get my coat” as they say.
No, nice point Ben, I wasn’t aware of that detail
The spread of the collar is not fundamental. Rather, it’s dictated by, as Simon points out, the height of the collar but also simply its size and the fact that non-button-down collars (and even most button-down collars) look better if the point is tucked into the jacket.
Size here refers simply to the amount of visible fabric. The size of the collar should be proportional to that of the wearer’s head. In order for a point collar to be tucked under a jacket, the collar must necessarily be larger than a spread collar. Since Simon’s head is smaller than average, a spread collar works better for him than a pointed one. Since the height of the collar also determines its size, someone with a shorter neck can get away with a more pointed collar than someone with a longer neck, even if their heads are the same size and shape.
Without a jacket (i.e. without the need to tuck in the collar), accordingly, the spread of the collar makes no significant difference as long as the size of the collar is the same. A shorter point collar with the same narrow spread would work just as well for Simon without a jacket as his photoed spread collar.
Practically, a moderately spread collar (say, 45 degrees from midline) that tucks under a jacket looks great for the vast majority of people.
The comments on button down collars have been interesting. In a past life I was responsible for trying to copy the vintage Brooks Brother collar for the UK mid level brands. It’s surprising how important the placement position of the actually buttons and collar button holes are. The buttons have to be in just the right place to help create the roll. Too high/low/left or right and the roll, changes. On the old Brooks Brothers production they used to place the collar button hole to actually cut across the collar’s 1/4″ top stitching. I’ve lost count of the number of shirts I see now where the button hole seems to be almost half way up the collar and no where near the top stitching.
Have you ever considered having the same height of collar in your bottom down shirts made in your normal spread collar?I ask because I like the look of slightly higher collars when wearing a tie or not.
Yes, actually they are pretty much the same height, whichever style o have
I think that the button down collar rises to the occasion when compared to other collar types when no tie is worn. With the top two buttons undone on a shirt, the collar tends to flatten out and seems to “take flight” much like the wings of bird. A button down shirt is, in my estimation, a neater and more controlled appearance.
Do you know of anyone that does good RTW or MTM of soft, unlined collars?
Mercer & Sons does some good ones
Regarding good RTW button downs, Drake’s makes a lovely collar. Their oxford fabric ages nicely. They can be had MTM too, although I no longer see them mentioning this on the website.
They do offer MTM still, yes. I know a few people using PS cloths with them
Simon, it would be appreciated if you could list shirt makers that will work with your cloths.
Sure. Perhaps I can start with a list of those I know readers already send their cloths to, and then ask around a few others?
Ah, interesting. I better ask Drake’s whether they still offer this. One day it’d be nice to have their long point button-down in the PS blue striped Oxford.
As a relative newcomer to MTM and bespoke clothing, I always wondered how this works. Presumably a few makers are openly happy to use unfamiliar cloth, many are reluctant but might be cajoled, while the rest simply won’t do it? Am I way off?
All makers will be a little concerned, rather than suspicious, if asked to use an unfamiliar cloth. But the vast majority will be happy to do so if it comes from a mill they know – so if you say our Oxford is woven by Canclini, and the Denim by Albini, then they’ll be fine with that.
Interesting post. One thing you did not mention, that I have found to be a major deciding factor for me, is the comfort of the collar on your neck. I consider myself having a normal to long neck and a narrow head, so a higher collar looks better but I often find that they rub on the side of my neck and that they restrict my head movement (especially looking up when sitting at a desk). I guess this is not entirely linked to the collar height, it might be down to my posture or my straight shoulders. It would be interesting to read about how a bespoke collar would be designed.
Hi Simon,
What are the collar point length and collar band measurements on your PS Oxford and Denim button down collar shirts? I really like the look of their proportions.
The point is 9cm, but more important than that is where you put the button really – how close it is to the shoulder and to the placket are both important to get the right roll. A fun thing to experiment with.
The collar band is 4.5cm.
All really helpful comment but oh God you’re going to hate me: when I’m not wearing a tie to keep the collar in place, I like a little magnet put inside the shirt that ‘attaches’ to a metal collar stiffener. They keep the roll on a collar whether or not I’m wearing a jacket and stop the collar flying off in different directions. I’m not going to ask for your comment, I daren’t, but it suits me and a couple of people have asked me how my collar looks trim, and have taken this appalling habit up.
I have done this too Tony!
My excuse is that it is a way of getting some use from my less-than-ideal shirts while in the process of improving my wardrobe.
The improvements are taking a while now, though…..
Great article, Simon, and lots to take away and think about. One thing you didn’t mention was whether the points of the collar need to be hidden under the lapels of the jacket. This seems to be the case on most well-dressed men that I see. It does, however, mean that the type of jacket worn with a shirt needs to be taken into account and potentially restricts the drop of the collar points. I assume this is why long, narrow spear point collars were popular before the war when jackets had higher buttoning points but later fell out of favour.
Good point Evatt.
I’d say it’s not a firm rule, but generally collar points do look better when they stay hidden under the lapels of the jacket.
That doesn’t apply to button-downs, and applies less to point collars, where the angle can make it clear that hiding under the lapels doesn’t work. But a spread collar that isn’t big enough to sit under the lapels will often would disproportionate.
Great post once again! Thank you Simon!
camp collars are probably one of my favourite trends to be passing. i take you’re not a fan? never seen you sport one.
I do have some, but really only worn very casually, eg with shorts. As mentioned, the height of the collar is normally the issue as well. Something so low and flat is not flattering on someone with a longer neck
I see you have recommended Mercer and Sons. I have several of their buttondowns and they are excellent, but anyone ordering from them should know that their shirts tend to run very large in the body. For an upcharge they will tweak the shirt. I am slim, and I get a 15″ body with a 15 1/2″ neck, and that works for me.
This has been a very helpful article, and I’m so glad you addressed this. Thank you!
It’s also left me wondering: how much does the type of shirt fabric dictate the formality of the collar? Would you consider some, more refined weaves strictly appropriate to a spread collar or others only a more casual one? Would the same also apply to the type of placket?
Yes James, good point. There is a descending formality of shirt materials, something we cover in the Guide to Shirt Fabrics, and you’d normally only want formal materials with formal collars.
The placket is rather more forgiving, but there too a lack of placket would be more formal and suited to smarter materials and patterns.
I suppose I should have referenced that guide first. Yes, of course.
As a follow-up question: in the case of something like a button-down collar, would you say is there a clear line and logic to where it works and doesn’t? Or is it more fluid and perhaps down to the thickness of the fabric? Chambray/Denim/Oxford Variants, for example, seem to be popular as a choice for both BD and spread collars, but other fabrics seem clearly suited to one or the other.
I wouldn’t say it is very clear, but in general BDs work better on more casual but still tailored cloths. I think this is down to the polo and Ivy heritage. So they are perfect with an Oxford, but some will like them less with a smart poplin, and others less with a denim, just because denim shirts were never typically made in BDs
That makes sense. Thanks, Simon!
Dear Simon
Thank you for your most interesting articles which I like your readers find very fascinating. Which tailors and shirt makers do you recommend in London?
Also which absolutely breathable, summer NON crease suiting material do you recommend. Thank you again. Best Harvey
Thank you Harvey.
I recommend lots of tailors in London! It really depends on the style you want and to an extent your budget. This is a big area, which we’ve probably written over 500 articles about, but I’d suggest you start with the Guide to Tailors Styles perhaps, and read the English tailors from the beginning.
I tend not to use English shirtmakers, because I prefer the Italian style. I use Luca Avitabile when he visits London, as well as Simone Abbarchi and D’Avino sometimes – more on those three here.
For summer non-crease suiting, I’d recommend a high-twist like Crispaire from Holland & Sherry, or 2-ply from Drapers. There’s a lot in our Guide to Cloth
This was a good guide for the basics of shirt collars but I think that there will always be a place for the “antiquated” collars you mentioned, such as the tab, the club, the eyelet, and the lesser known “claw” (where there are no points but rather a fastening behind the knot of the tie). As the professional world grows ever-more casual, older styles stand out in a more positive and debonaire manner and show that the individual takes some care in his appearance. A collar pin and fedora will surely make a man look distinguished in a sea of navy suits and open spread collars; the same may be said for cufflinks and contrast collars. Overall, these small details serve to break up the monotony of professional menswear and thus should not be lost to time and leisure.
Hi Simon,
could you give a general classification of collar heights for orientation, i.e. low collar height below X cm, normal collar height in the range of X to Y cm and anything above that tall collars?
And could you make such a classification also for point lengths?
What is your average collar height? What are your lowest and highest collar heights?
Many thanks and keep up the good work.
Thanks, sure I’ll try and do that in the future. Though height is also very relative to the person remember (so other measurements might be useful in parallel)
Maybe you could give me a quick advice on collar height. I’m about 1.86 m tall, have a long neck and collar size 15/15.5 inch. At MTM I was suggested a collar height of 4.8 cm, but since you can rarely try on higher collars I am unsure. The collar height of my RTW shirts so far is between 3.2 and nearly 4 cm and the shirt collars all look too small for me.
How high are your shirt collars typically?
Between 4 and 4.5 normally (the collar band measured at the back of the neck, not the collar itself)
great post! good to hear you point on longer necks. finding rtw sometimes way too short. btw – what is the deal with unbuttoning a button-down shirt?
You mean, with leaving the collar on a BD shirt unbuttoned? It is done to appear more casual and at ease, I guess. I rarely do it, but frankly at the weekend (and in a rush) I might not do them up and I’m comfortable with that.
Hi Simon,
I’ve noticed that brands I’m very fond of like Anglo-Italian and Drake’s often have button-down collars on poplin shirts, opposed to more casual fabrics like oxford/linen.
Do you have an opinion on button-down collars on shirts with smoother finishes, and whether you would wear them with a tie – and if so, strictly sport coat only, or would something like a button-down poplin with a suit ever be appropriate?
I think a button-down can be fine with a smoother material like poplin. As long as you’re aware it is a little more casual, so if wearing a sharp worsted suit, fine silk tie and slim black shoes, it might be a little out of place. You just need to weigh up all those things.
It would be more suitable, for example, in blue, with a flannel suit, and a woven or even knit tie. Suit or jacket is just one part of that equation.
I wonder if you had an opinion on collars specifically to linen shirts.
I have tried bespoke linen button downs, which are fine, but I sometimes wonder if spread feels more natural with this material- also I have seen collars at drakes in linen which appear to be slightly smaller spread collars (?) which seem more suitable for this cloth?
I think it’s probably more about how casual the shirt is. Those Drake’s ones are a very light, open linen with little or no lining in the collar. They are very casual as a result and would look out of place with an extreme cutaway collar. But a smart, fine white linen shirt with a sharp lining could look fine like that.
Simon, what fabric is the moss green/brown sport coat worn with the madras shirt in this article?
It’s a tweed from Holland & Sherry. No longer on offer I don’t think, and the jacket didn’t work out that well so I don’t have it anymore I’m afraid
Is that not your Ciro Zizolfi jacket? If it is, the tweed is still available (H&S 8919019). Or at least was as of earlier this year, when I had a jacket made up in it.
(And if it’s not your Zizolfi, then I just want to recommend the cloth you used for that to Leroy. It’s beautiful and even though it has a lot of different colours in it, mine reads almost grey-ish green which makes it, to my mind, quite urban.)
It isn’t, no, though it is similar. The biggest difference is that the Zizolfi one is rather heavier, and has loads more colours in it – more typical of a Harris Tweed
Ah right, apologies then!
By the way, I think it would be interesting to…not quite get updates on pieces, but hear about which ones, especially of those you reviewed, worked, which ones didn’t, which ones you kept, and which ones you didn’t. I guess a piece somewhere between a review and “how great things age”.
Nice point Zy, yes. I’ll do that
This post has been a great resource, but I wonder if I could ask a little more about cutaway collars? I have a nice shirt in this style, which I would wear with a suit and tie, but I’m really not sure how to place it stylistically these days. I get a vague feeling it’s a slightly showy style, which if true would make me wary of wearing for work. Putting it another way, is the cutaway collar considered unusual, maybe best reserved for social events or occasions, or do you think it still has a place in the office?
As long as it’s not an extreme cutaway (perhaps defined as looking like it’s sweeping back off your shoulders, rather than running horizontally) then I think it’s fine.
Fashions change of course, and I think long point collars and button downs are more fashionable now, with spread collars peaking maybe 10 years ago. But I still think they’re perfectly appropriate for the office.
Could I probably convert spread collar shirt or maybe a stiff collar polo into button down?
Would that look good?
Probably not Joshua, no. A button-down collar is quite pointed when it’s unbuttoned. A spread collar would look odd if it were made into a button-down.
A polo with a stiff collar might work in terms of the shape, if it were quite pointed, but it would be very hard to sew a good buttonhole into it on a finished shirt.
Would adding button down to this polo look good?
My tailor is saying that he would be able to do it.
I doubt it – the collar looks pretty small. You’d really want the collar to be designed specifically for a button down.
you don’t “exactly” need a button hole… I think. you can see a button on one side and rubber loop on the other! but completely agree on the rest!
You can, certainly. I think it might look a tiny bit odd, but again probably only to those looking
What is your opinion on the collar in the image. Do you find it nice or sloppy?
Not sloppy, it’s meant to be casual. But it would be nice if it were a little larger
i meant sew not see.
Hi Simon,
What is your opinion on cut away collar without a tie, like this one?
A cutaway collar can look without a tie, just smarter than a button down, yes
Hi Simon, I am not sure if you have a Turnbull and asser’s classic collar shirt, but if you do, would you suggest the collar for a relatively short neck and long face would look nice?
Many thanks,
I used to – they were the first bespoke shirts I bought years ago. The collar shape would work well, just consider the height carefully
Okay, thanks, Simon!
What is your opinion on these type of stand collar shirts?
See answer to your other comment Ayush, on the Rayon post
Hi Mr. Crompton, I’m thinking of ordering a button down collared shirt, minus the buttons that hold the collar points down. Would it make a difference wether the collar was fused or not? I’m wanting to use Luca Avitabile and he mainly does fused collars. Thank you
Not a big one if there is still a nice shape to the collar. Also, Luca has a very lightweight fusing option that is virtually unnoticeable – I’ve had that and it’s really nice. Ask him for that
Great article!
great article!
which is more popular trousers or chinos?
I’m sorry BIK, what do you mean? In the population as a whole? In which country?
Do button down collars look good with a suit and a tie?
Yes absolutely, it’s just a different style – a more American one in particular. See example here.
Thank you for the advice.
I have to attend a wedding in a couple of days and therefore I thought I could wear my charcoal grey tropical wool suit. I have a fine Egyptian cotton shirt in ‘white and light grey stripe’ with me but it has button down collars.
All other shirts of mine are pretty casual and therefore not a satisfactory compliment to such a suit.
If I can ask a follow up question to your suggestion, then in the article referred the suit is a bit casual and also you have unbuttoned the button down collar and so just to be sure:-
Would a button down collar with its shirt collar buttoned look good with such a smart suit?
Ah, I see Amrinder. If it’s that kind of smart event then a button down shirt is not really ideal. But it sounds like there’s not much you can do about it
Dear Simon in your experience is it possible to have a new collar design (e.g a classic semi – spread) added to an exisitng off the rack shirt by an alterations tailor/shirt maker or does the process never work successfully ? I have some Emma Willis Shirts but the default collar is closer to a point/ traditional Budd style of collar which I do not find flattering.
I haven’t tried it, but it would be a tricky adjustment and it might be hard for the alterations tailor to find exactly the same fabric (even with the same code, it could vary slightly in shade from one piece to another)
You’re likely to be better off just having a MTM shirt made
Hi, Simon. Could you share your thoughts on tie space. No tie space looks neat but neck sizes change and the collar band may no longer fit snugly. This could cause the collar to overlap or scissor in after cinching the tie, which would be unsightly.
I usually have a very small tie space, perhaps a half centimetre. But at the same time, I find if your neck changes shape that much, your body has probably changed more, and the shirt is unlikely to fit anywhere else. Also, if the collar is a little big, it will likely look better if you don’t overcinch, just have it a touch big
Hey Simon,
I am really into 70’s style shirts with the giant collars that are unbuttoned and spread way out to the side! What style collar would that be considered? Also, are you aware of any place that makes shirts with this collar? Or is this something I would have to have custom made? I have found a few websites that sell gimmicky sort of knock offs of this style, but I want a legitimate shirt, not some plastic printed thing for $12 from china…
Blimey! I don’t know to be honest what it would be called – an extra-large point or spear collar perhaps? I’ve never looked for it, but I’d go to brands like Husbands for slightly more modern versions of the style
maybe you can find it at “ben cobb x tiger of sweden”.
Hi Simon,
I am ordering my shirts from the Proper Cloth and am quite happy with the quality. One of their most popular collars is high Presidential Spread. It works great when the shirt is made of twill has a front placket, and the collar can stand up without a tie. However, recently I have purchased a poplin shirt, which is much ‘thinner’ with a French placket but same collar. Unfortunately, the collar collapses when unbuttoned. It is a very unappealing look. I have contacted support to request a remake with the alternative collar but they suggest changing the french to the front placket. In your opinion wearing the shirt without a tie and having a collar standing up, how much depends on the collar fused lining and how much on the placket?
The placket makes a little difference, but I think the collar is more important. And how it’s cut for your neck shape is more important still
Simon I just received some made to measure shirts with a high collar which I am happy with. However, the shirt maker my mistake made the top button with two buttons instead of the typical one. I am finding the two buttons a little difficult to button. For future orders is there any practical benefit/advantage in your experience to having two top buttons for these higher and larger collars ? Does it make the collar stand up better? Thank you.
No I don’t find it does, one would be fine
Also how many buttons (inclusive of the top one) do you feel is ideal for most business/collared shirts. Most off the rack come with 7 as standard with the odd one coming with 8 but this can sometimes seem a little crowded/excessive depending on their positioning. Perhaps if you are a very tall man 8 might be a better standard number. Any thoughts? Thank you.
I think more important than the number is making sure the button where you unbutton the chest to, is at a height you like. After that, just make sure the rest look fairly normal.
I like button-up shirts with blazers and jeans, no tie. I sometimes wear the first two buttons on my shirt open. As you are aware, this is where the trouble starts:
Shirt collapse.
In your experience, which collar type will work best for this dressing style? Button down and classic/standard collars aren’t working for me. So should I go with a spread collar? Wide spread? Cutaway spread?
Hey Kevin,
It’s mostly about how the collar sits on you, rather than the design, and perhaps how it’s made. If you have a longer neck you need something that is a little higher at the back, and also at the front. A little structure in the collar might help. The position of the buttons on the button-down can also be good, to push the roll outwards.
In short, there is no easy answer unfortunately. Button downs and wide spreads are usually best, but it’s about finding a shirt that works for you in other ways more than it is about the collar.
Our button-down shirts are made with this in mind, by the way, but again it will depend on your body.
Hi Simon, I have recently come across that it looks nicer/cleaner when the shirt collar points align with the jacket’s gorge lines. But given that most of my shirts have points down collars, the gorge lines need to be lowered quite a lot. How much do you care about this when you commission a suit?
Many thanks,
I don’t really Jack, I wouldn’t worry about that at all
A lot of knitted polos has a problem of having these kind of floppy collars. Do these floppy collars look good because I have read in one of your article that 95% look of a shirt is a collar as it frames the face?
Even though the quality of a product is exceptional would you advice going with a product where the collar is not the most satisfactory but everything else is amazing?
Knitted polos will often have a floppier collar because that’s what the material is like.
Yes they can still look good, at least compared to a T-shirt, as there’s still a collar. Also depends on your face shape/proportions.
I’d say prioritise fit and a flattering look over quality usually, yes
I wanted to understand whether does these floppy collars takes away the flattering look of a polo, meaning even though it does look good on a person and fits with his face shape/proportions but still would a collar like this make it look not very flattering as an article of clothing?
It’s not a question of yes or no, Ayush. It won’t be as flattering on most people as a less floppy one, but it will be more flattering than just a T-shirt
Thanks for the response!
I’m curious—if the collar is very floppy and slopes down significantly like in the image given above, would it essentially be as unflattering as not having a collar at all, like a T-shirt or would the collar still make a flattering effect?”
It would still be a little more flattering
I wasn’t able to find much information about the types of plackets. Did I miss it somewhere?
No, we’ve never got round to doing that part of the guide
In that case, please allow me to ask for some details on this topic.
I’ve always preferred the cleaner, more formal look of a French placket, but I’m unsure about its appropriateness on casual shirts like button-down oxfords. I’d love to hear your thoughts:
Thank you.
1. Yes I do
2. Not really. At the margins, a standard placket is easier to repair and may support the collar more, but I wouldn’t pick on that basis
Simon many off the shelf/ready – made and some made to measure shirts have the lowest button (the one closest to the zip/fly) with a button hole cut horizontal whilst all the other button holes (apart from the very top one) are cut vertical. The theory being that lowest button is under the greatest pressure from every day movement, big lunches etc! Do most bespoke shirtmakers cut their lowest button hole horizontal? Do you feel it is worth doing or just a gimmick ? Thank You.
I think it’s just a gimmick to be honest, particularly as other buttons are under just as much strain. I was told once it was originally there to button into trousers, but that also sounds odd given how low it is.
I’ve never had that button come loose in shirts where it’s vertical, and I find it annoying to do up when it’s horizontal. So I’d always go vertical