The best German tailors working today
By Bernhard Roetzel. In part one of this article I gave an overview of the state of bespoke tailoring in Germany, including its history. Today I will recommend some specific tailors, including my own experiences. Volkmar Arnulf www.arnulf...
The best German tailors working today
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I am looking for a Chesterfield overcoat in Germany. Something like Roger Moore wore in Live and Let Die. Perhaps, I am not ready yet for full bespoke. Can Herr Roetzel recommend something good in Germany that is Mt...
Berlin: A menswear shopping guide
By J Patrick Truhn, with contributions from Maximillian Mogg and The Heritage Post. ‘Berlin’ and ‘sartorial’ are not words one is accustomed to seeing in the same sentence. This “poor, but sexy” (to quote a previ...
Berlin: A menswear shopping guide
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Lovely to hear, thanks John...