The story behind the English Tweed coat

December 22nd 2023

When we develop a new coat with Private White VC, Lucas and I generally travel up to Manchester to them in person, to talk through the idea and dig into the archive. At the end of last year, when we went up to discuss our ‘English Tweed&rsquo...

The story behind the English Tweed coat

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Thanks Simon...

ClothDecember 22nd 2023

The Guide to Tweed: Bunches

December 6th 2023

In our voluminous Guide to Cloth series , we’ve already done an article on tweed. But that was about the history, the style and a little about the types. There was no mention of bunches. Today’s article takes on that introduction, fleshes...

The Guide to Tweed: Bunches

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That’s a big help as I love the Fox Tweed Dark green POW check and the some of the dark blue choices in same POW check. Nicely saturated with various colors mixed in the design. Best, Robert...

ClothDecember 6th 2023

Introducing: The English Tweed overcoat

November 1st 2023

“Oh, that is cosy.” “It's like being wrapped up in a big tweedy blanket.” “I could fall asleep in the corner like this.” I’ve never done a pop-up where I had the sample of a new release for people to try on,...

Introducing: The English Tweed overcoat

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We will have this new colour, yes David. Not confirmed on anything else...

CoatsNovember 1st 2023