Permanent Style trunk show: Heurtault, Amoruso, Cerrato, Lavabre Cadet

I am very proud to say that we have a Permanent Style trunk show organised for October 5th, co-hosted with Gaziano & Girling at their Savile Row store.
This has been a good while in the making, particularly as I was keen to bring together:
- A range of makers, so everyone can find something of interest
- Makers at the very top of their game
- And products that were not available anywhere else in the UK
The result is four superb artisans:
- Lavabre Cadet
- The French maker already profiled on Permanent Style, who make simply the finest gloves I have ever seen
- Michel Heurtault
- Fellow French artisan, making beautiful umbrellas that are, again, in a class of their own. Profiled previously on Permanent Style
- Serge Amoruso
- Paris-based leather-goods artisan, little known outside Paris and Japan, but making products both unique and superb. Article coming soon, in advance of the event
- Marco Cerrato
- Neapolitan trouser maker, with craft and finish on a par with others in Naples and great style. Post coming soon
The plan for the day is that all four makers will be in the shop, with their product, from 11am. Please do go along if you would like to talk to them and even discuss a commission.
Then in the evening, from 6:30pm, there will be a party to welcome our European guests. Drinks, food, and I will introduce each maker in turn, explaining what makes them special. We will also take questions from the audience.
Numbers are likely to be very tight in the evening, so please RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend. No one will be admitted that is not on the list.
And if you would like to talk to the makers, please try and come during the day. They will have time then, but it will be very difficult to talk at any length in the evening.
Lastly, if I may: this has been a labour of love, and I am really looking forward to bringing these four artisans to London. Please, let's show them a great welcome, and spur them to return.
Thank you
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Dear Simon,
Are you likely to post your article on Cerrato before this event and are you able to give any indication on his prices + whether he intends to visit London regularly (if he doesn’t already)?
Best regards,
Yes I will. He doesn’t visit that regularly but his brother is based here and does fittings.
I have prices from a while ago so will just confirm.
Any idea how much Cerrato charges for a pair of trousers..? Thank you in advance
See above. Just confirming
Simon, I want to clarify the criteria for inclusion manufacturers to ‘brands’ and ‘artisans’. For example Scuola del Cuoio, Kiton, Attolini are artisans, but Hermes, Brioni, Alfred Dunhill (Waltamstow) which can make bespoke are only in brands section. Does this classification means that the Scuola del Cuoio better and more hand made than Hermes and another ‘brands’, and Kiton, Attolini more sartorialists and hand made than Brioni? Thank you.
Hi. Good question. No, it’s not a reflection of quality or handmake. It’s more the scale of bespoke, MTM or MTO compared to RTW. Hermes does do some bespoke but the vast majority is obviously RTW. Same with Dunhill. Although I suppose it might be clearer to put those in both sections
Hi Simon,
I’m hoping to pop along at some time during the day to see the Cerrato trousers. Just to confirm, would coming during the day just be a “walk-in”?
Look forward to the Cerrato post too. Is the £550 quoted above for a bespoke pair?
Yes, that’s right. No need to RSVP during the day
Yes, the £550 is for bespoke.
I know there is a post coming on this, but would you say those trousers are generally on par in terms of make with Ambrosi (almost twice as expensive)? If so, that would be good value. I have recently ordered a pair with the Whitcomb guys, which was certainly a great investment (460 GBP incl. VAT).
Might still be worth trying Cerrato for the Neapolitan style but how lengthy do you think the process would be for the first pair given he is not based in London?
Looking forward to meeting him at the trunk show.
I’ll write more in the review, if that’s ok…
Actually, I think it might be best to contact Marco and arrange a time for the appointment, so there’s no chance you overlap with someone else.
Absolutely fine of course. If I could just have his email address to arrange an appointment indeed that would be great.
Of course: [email protected]
Very good initiative.
I own two pais of bespoke gloves by Lafavre Cadet (from Marie Beyer) and can only say good things about it. Expensive but worth owning. In my opinion better than Causse. I thought that Fournet had bought them only to use their manufacturing capacity, so I am very please to know that one may still order a LC bespoke pair. Hopefully for the long term too.
I did not know Heurtault but I own a YSL umbrella (Tom Ford era) probably made by one the names you quoted and have to say that owning a top umbrella is well worth it, and probably the best way not to lose it. I sadly broke mine in a tube caroussel, hopefully someone could repair it. Last do you know this Paris based umbrella maker? It seems very high hand and bespoke to me:
Dear Simon,
Whilst there is no doubt to the artisan qualities of these brands.
In of era of austerity, is their not something morally wrong in commissioning a pair of bespoke gloves for 500+ euros?
Unless one has such deformed hands that they cannot fit a RTW pair, then this is overstepping the mark in terms of frivolity.
You could go to the numerous glove shops in Rome, Naples or Milan and walk away with a magnificent pair that fit, and use the money for better purposes, or if you are so inspired, to donate the difference in price to a more deserving cause.
Umbrellas for 1000-2000 and you believe that it feels good to know that these options are available?
When you look back on your life, will you be proud to say that your life’s work was encouraging men to fritter away money on unnecessary vanities?
It won’t be much of a legacy, will it?
Of course there is nothing wrong with dressing well, I wouldn’t be on this site if I believed otherwise, however there is a need amongst intelligent men, and I include you in that demographic, to use their resources wisely.
I trust that your conscience will ensure that you choose a more considered route.
Tom S
Many points here Tom.
Everything’s relative – that magnificent RTW pair you suggest might be an immmoral amount of money to most people. Certainly more than the vast majority of people would spend.
Craft is better than crap – these are artisans making very little money, putting huge amounts of sweat and tears into making something that is beautiful and would last a lot longer than cheaper alternatives.
And yes, I’m proud of the legacy of this site. I know from personal experience that it encourages men to dress well and invest more, whether they buy at this level or not.
I agree entirely. A bigger moral issue is the human cost of a pair of trousers at £10. The person making them is getting paid a bowl of rice. Their future, dignity and health is being stolen there, and the trousers are not valued and are thrown away. A pair that is made with excellent fabric and with love is worth having, However, you must accept that a part of the price is the artisan being paid more reasonably, and the customer enjoying something truly unique.
I think we fill a space in the middle.
Popped in there this afternoon and bought a beautiful maple wood umbrella from M. Heurtault and ordered a pair of grey peccary gloves from Lavabre Cadet. The leather goods looked extraordinary but by then my pockets were empty.
The place was buzzing which bodes well for tonight.
The owner of a certain haberdashers was making a visit and it will be interesting to see if any of the goods end up being stocked there.
Sorry I missed you! I was there around lunch and it was busy too. Lovely to see.
See you all later.
I missed it. Anything else coming in the new year?
A. R.
Yes, there will be a few things