Wearing a jacket and jeans
If there is one question men ask more than any other, it is how to wear a jacket with jeans. Behind this usually lies a desire to dress up an outfit without appearing too up-tight. Friends in the creative or digital industries often have this prob...
Wearing a jacket and jeans
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It depends a little on the weight of cotton, which seasons it would work for. But I think it would certainly work with flannels, and maybe with linen if it was a lighter weight...
Buying a versatile black shoe: Reader question
The best of both worlds? An Alfred Sargent Armfield Dear Simon, I have a quick question regarding black shoes that I thought you might be able to help with. I’m thinking of investing in a good pair of versatile black shoes that I can wear f...
Buying a versatile black shoe: Reader question
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I can see why someone might like them for being different, but I would just go for a normal thin rubber sole...
Alfred Sargent factory
I was recently contacted by photographer Steve Lancefield, who is in the process of visiting various British factories and took these of the Alfred Sargent factory in Rushden, Northampton. I’ve visited many in Northampton myself, but never ...
Alfred Sargent factory
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To be honest I'm not sure if they're still running or where they're making...
US shoemaker tours
It’s time for US tours again. Doesn’t time fly? The full dates for two makers – Cleverley and Alfred Sargent Handgrade – can be seen on their sites at those links. And pictured we have some new styles from Sarg...
US shoemaker tours
It’s time for US tours again. Doesn’t time fly? The full dates for two makers – Cleverley and Alfred Sargent Handgrade – can be seen on their sites at those links. And pictured we have some new styles from Sargen...
Hemingway, Harvie & Hudson and Alfred Sargen...
The time is coming around again to book slots for US fall trips. And the tour by Hemingway Tailors and Harvie & Hudson has dates as follows. Separately, Alfred Sargent is also touring in September, dates below. The Fairmont Hotel, Chicago Th...
Hemingway, Harvie & Hudson and Alfred Sargen...
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Harvie and Hudson Shirt-makers Will be in Washington and New York next week March 7 -March 12 would love to see you old and new...
Hemingway Tailors, dates in North America
There was quite a lot of interest among Permanent Style readers last time Toby Luper was touring North America, so here are his dates for the next trip. Toby will be with shirtmakers Harvie & Hudson and shoemakers Alfred Sargent in the US, b...
Hemingway Tailors, dates in North America
There was quite a lot of interest among Permanent Style readers last time Toby Luper was touring North America, so here are his dates for the next trip. Toby will be with shirtmakers Harvie & Hudson and shoemakers Alfred...
Alfred Sargent Handgrade
Following a conversation earlier in the year with Chay Cooper, I commissioned the Alfred Sargent Handgrade shoes above. One of the reasons Handgrade has developed such a word-of-mouth following is the personalisation it offers, both as regards the de...
Alfred Sargent Handgrade
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No, sorry HC...
Reader question: Starting a new job
Zenith: I need to expand my wardrobe for a new job in London. I own a light charcoal, faintly blue-pinstriped French Connection suit, and a solid beige Ted Baker suit, but need: A traditional navy-blue single-breasted suit A trusted location to take ...
Reader question: Starting a new job
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Hey Lambert, The really good MTM we write about, and lower level bespoke, will be towards the top of that range but better quality than Kiton and I would have thought much less expensive. My personal recommendations woul...