Introducing: The lightweight Friday Polo

Monday, August 6th 2018
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Lovely as our Friday Polos are, they're not really built for Summer.

The classic Friday Polo uses a luxurious piqué cotton from Caccioppoli which, while noticeably nicer than other polo cottons, is relatively thick and best suited to the other nine months of the year.

So I tried to find a lighter weight piqué to use in a Summer version. Turns out this isn't easy.

The market is dominated by cheap, relatively coarse cottons that are used by all the high-street brands. High-end cottons, meanwhile, come in small ranges of odd colours and can be rather fragile.

We finally found this white piqué, which is lightweight, fine and very breathable.

And yet it is less delicate and sheer than other fine piqués - chest hair will only be visible if you are particularly hirsute.

Importantly, I also updated the construction of the polo to improve the stability of the placket. This now sits much straighter and cleaner, helping the collar to stay upright under a jacket.

All other details are the same as our classic Friday Polo: cut long to be worn tucked in, made with a collar stand like a proper shirt, and with handwork in the shoulder, collar and buttons. (Shoulder work visible below.)

We only have 50 of these pieces across the four sizes, as it's an experimental run. They are also a little more expensive than the classic Friday Polo (£165 ex-VAT), reflecting the cost of the finer cotton.

More details and availability on the Shop site here.

Also pictured:

  • A pale-brown wool/silk/linen jacket by Biagio Granata (review coming when I receive the trousers that go with it)
  • Charcoal Crispaire trousers from Luxire (they made me a second pair to show they could correct the fit points - which they did, very well)
  • Brown-suede unlined Dovers from Edward Green (a recent acquisition and now the most comfortable shoes I own)

For anyone that is new to the site (hello!) further details on the Friday Polo below:

  • Project started with Neapolitan bespoke shirtmaker Luca Avitabile, who has been making my shirts for a few years.
  • Concept was to use the best materials and as much as possible make them in the same way as Luca’s bespoke shirts.
  • Everything is hand cut, and there are five points of handwork: hand-inserted sleeves, buttonholes, buttons, gussets, and ends of the cuff placket.
  • Mother of pearl buttons and slots in the collar for shirt-stays
  • Stand collar, like a shirt, to help it sit under tailored jackets
  • Long tail and front, as the polo is designed to be worn tucked in

Other useful details:

  • Shirts will not shrink when washed, but should expand slightly in the waist. Do wash cool and line dry
  • Sold at below the normal retail price. With a standard retail mark-up these would be over £250
  • Four sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra-large.
  • Shirts have a moderately slim fit. In the images I am wearing a medium
  • Details on sizing and measurements available on the Shop page
  • If you are unsure about fit, we recommend comparing the measurements to a polo shirt you currently own.

Photography: James Munro

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Non sure if “handiwork” is all that important on a polo, but leaving this aside, it is also rather crooked shoulder seam which I find to be of a particular concern. Guess I’d much prefer properly stitched machine made polo thy can withstand some abuse, seating and many washing machine cycles than a delicate item that is sort of not here nor there, but that could s just me…


Hello Simon,
Lovely shirts. Where would these be shipped from?
I am in London and leaving for holiday at the end of the week, if ordered today would they arrive by Friday?


Always happy to see news about the Friday Polos, one of my favorite stock items in my own closet.
I’m pleased to read that the placket is now reinforced to make it sit even straighter. Hoping this change will be brought into the full range of Friday Polos at some point?
I love the idea of a lighter version for summer, especially with the heat wave we’ve been experiencing this summer. As you say, most light weight polos, especially white, usually shows chest hair and nipples making them unwearable on their own.

I must find a better (aluminium free) deodorant before buying more white though, as I already see yellow stains on my white Friday Polo after only 5-6 wears and washes.

Nigel C

Malin and Goetz Eucalyptus deodorant. No aluminium and I never get yellow marks even on my oldest shirts. You need a couple days using for it work properly as it is an antibacterial product. I’d never use anything else. N


Thanks for the tip, will look into it.


As an American, and avid reader of this blog, I was wondering where summer was hiding. That is until I arrived in Europe last week.

I can see the enthusiasm for light weight clothing. Nicely done.


menscience advanced deodorant worth trying. works well for me. no white or yellow stains and no smell


the measurements are the same as the regular ones?


Sorry Simon. I’m a big fan, but the shirt is revealing too much of your “manliness” (for what I’m talking about, see last pic). I think this lightweight fabric only works in darker colors.


Is the deodorant you are proposing the ball type, or only for the armpits?

Jason R.

Hi Simon, slightly off topic question, but what are you wearing on your wrist in the photos? Am looking for a band and liked yours, can you share the manufacturer?


Thank you Simon, a really nice piece. Appreciate the reply. Jason.


Having missed out on the last couple of long sleeved batches I was all ready to order until I got down to the warning for those of us of a hirsute disposition. On the bright side I shall look forward to ordering from the next batch in the original cloth, hopefully!


Hi Simon
I was reading a newspaper article this morning in which 5 authors gave accounts of the mid-life crises, I thought it would be very interesting to share what one of them had to say:

‘I don’t have a mobile phone and I’m not on any social media. What you must guard at all costs, as you enter the late-middle years, is your dignity, and the surest way of doing that, I still believe, is to be properly dressed.

If you are facing a midlife crisis there is something to be said for putting on a brave face and refusing to yield to self-pity
When I see a man whose jacket sleeves puddle on his wrists and whose trousers bag at his waist, I think: That man is depressed.

Clothes that suit you, and even better, clothes that fit you, aren’t just something that will boost your confidence. They are the sweeteners and civilisers of life. When all else fails, they may even be the saving of you.

That I used to wear a suit every day is not unusual — except for the fact I’ve always worked from home. I could not sit down at my desk in the morning if I wasn’t suited, and maybe booted.

I have since learnt that no problem is insurmountable if you are wearing an excellent pair of suede loafers. This has nothing to do with dandyism. It’s not attention that you’re seeking — it’s peace of mind. Being well-dressed isn’t just about you, anyway. It’s a sign of respect towards others. It says, I care enough about your regard to look smart. A great writer once advised, ‘Live all you can: it’s a mistake not to.’


Any initial thoughts on the Granata coat? I ask for the preview as I’m scheduled to meet him this coming Thursday.


I think I had seen Attire House stocking a lightweight version of the friday polo in navy and light blue but a different fabric I assume? Secondly the Dovers are more comfortable than Sagans? Completely different type of shoe I realise.


Hey simon, can’t wait for the short sleeve version. Btw how does the weight of fabric compare to the Ascot Chang ones by the armoury?


Or Sunspel?


Nice to hear Simon!
What’s the time frame for release of the short sleeve versions and in what colours will they likely be?


Why is that? Is it because the fabric is harder to make? High street manufacturers seem to look at nothing but production cost these days.

Chin-Chen Lee

How well does the collar stand, I have something like say Eidos lupo, my complaint has always been they look lifeless after 3 hrs, especially without a jacket to hold them. Any appetite to do in button down (the only way I found collar truly sit)

Chin-Chen Lee

Great to know, thanks!

Colin L

I have mine and the fabric and finish is superb. It fits me slightly better than the standard ones. I wore it to the Albert Hall on Saturday afternoon under a summer jacket and was one of the smartest people in the audience. The collar holds up well but I am not sure I would feel comfortable wearing it without a jacket due to translucency.

Alex in NZ

Hi Simon, first time poster. I have bought from the store before, and have been very happy with the quality and style. Given the large readership, may I suggest that you and the team replenish the products on offer, rather than tempt us with something yummy only for us to find they are sold out!
I have an everyday denim shirt, Friday polo, shorts, watch cap. Frankly, I’d like some more of the polos and shirts!!!

Alex in NZ

Ok thanks Simon. How quickly does the stock sell? While I don’t read daily, it seems they sell out pretty soon after they are advertised. And I’m sure LA gets a lot of coverage when you specifically mention their involvement. Maybe they can make a whole big batch for you and share the risk (which would seem to be pretty low)…


Any plans for a light blue version?


I’ll just stay with John Smedley.


Hi Simon, wore mine last week in Singapore with Drake’s D-43 Linen and I must say, perfect for the weather. Although I wouldn’t wear it without a jacket just because of how translucent it is in this color.


Hi Simon, wore in India recently and it has come through once again. I must, however, admit the translucency has bothered me less than it had initially.


Hello Simon,

inspired by your latest “If you only had five shirts”-article, wouldn’t it be interesting to write such an article about (casual) jackets?

At the moment, fall is returning and the varied temperatures from cold in the morning to warm at the afternoon are a good occasion to make use of long sleeved polo shirts, as your friday polos. Unfortunately I struggle how to combine the dark ones with a jacket.
Light colours as white or light blue can be paired easily with grey or beige. But how to combine navy, dark brown and dark green (or light grey)?

Navy jacket and navy polo seems to work, but it could be a bit boring.
In older articles I have seen grey jackets combined with them. They looked better, if the jacket had a pattern, like a overcheck in the same color as the polo. What would you suggest? Or is there a casual alternative in a usual lighter color, which works good with them (eg. field jacket, bomber, casual jacket)?



Hi Simon

Any plans to restock the lightweight polo (or any variations)?



Hi Simon. Just received my Friday summer polo. It’s beautiful! Can it be worn more casually, let’s say on it’s own over jeans or chino’s (like a dress shirt) or is it better to be worn under a jacket?

And with shorts?


One more question. As stated below, I’m trying to think under what sports jackets to wear the blue summer polo. I do have a navy blazer and darkish brown summer weight jacket that it will work on but not sure what else.

Would you wear this polo in the fall with let’s say a heavier sports jacket such as a tweed or herring bone in dark brown or even a navy cashmere blended blazer? I assume it’s too light for winter.


Can Luca Avitibile also produce this Light weight Summer Friday Polo in this particular fabric?
I ask this because of my large stature and probably need bespoke?


I can certainly contact him.
What is that lightweight cloth called and by what mill, if you know that?


I was interested to read the article on Luxire trousers linked in this post, but the link seems to be broken and I couldn’t find it via search. Is this still available?


That’s unfortunate! Appreciate the response, cheers Simon.