Carreducker remote-fitted bespoke boots: Review
I think when craftsmen are doing remote fittings, they err on the safe side. That’s one consistency I can draw from my online bespoke over the past year. Whether it’s with WW Chan , Massura or Ferdinando Caraceni in tailoring, Carreduc...
Carreducker remote-fitted bespoke boots: Review
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Yes, they have been on show there at various points. I'd say they have their own particular style which is a little quirky, and that places them above most things. But also yes, they're not the finest out there but they ...
Remote, manufactured bespoke boots from Carreducker
I've known Deborah Carré and James Ducker (below)for many years, having first covered their workshops when they were at Cockpit Arts (those pictures of me and Luke!), then the opening of their service at Gieves & Hawkes , and more rec...
Remote, manufactured bespoke boots from Carreducker
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Yes there is...
The (17) bespoke shoemakers I have known
This article was originally written back in 2014. Back then I had tried seven bespoke shoemakers, and nothing in Japan. Seven years later, the number has more than doubled, and the spread is wider – also encompassing some semi-be...
The (17) bespoke shoemakers I have known
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Im definitely looking forward to that….hopefully it works out well! Lindsay...
Video: A conversation of cordwainers
Two weeks ago, Deborah Carre of Carreducker and I organised a talk among five very different shoemakers, to talk about how and why men are buying bespoke today. It was scheduled to coincide with London Craft Week, held in Carreducker's leather schoo...
Video: A conversation of cordwainers
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I've know Felix for some time. He has upscaled some rare beautiful vintage boots, multiple re-soles and re-finishes all to my rathater OCD requirements. He then made me a very beautiful pair of engineer boots with bespok...
Carreducker: The pains of learning to saddle stitch
Last week I took part in a leather hand-stitching class organised by Carréducker: British bespoke shoemakers Deborah Carré and James Ducker. It was lovely to see Deborah and James again (I last covered them back in 2013) and to see the...
Carreducker: The pains of learning to saddle stitch
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Shhhh. Don't give the fraternity's secret's away!...
Repatinating shoes with Carreducker
I love my brown Cleverleys – the first bespoke shoes I owned – but I’ve never been that happy with the colour. Cleverley are good at many things, but patination is not one of them. George Jr has looked at introducing a patination se...
Repatinating shoes with Carreducker
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Ok. İ was thinking I would darken with dye, and use polishing plus time to build depth and character. Thank you for the back and forth. The interaction s between commenters and author are (nearly) as informative as the ...
Crafted: Makers of the exceptional
Sophie Coryndon’s toolbox for her decorative lacquer pieces These are good times for craft. Hermès is bringing its festival of artisans to London next month; Vacheron Constantin is touring Europe with a series of craft days; and this...
Crafted: Makers of the exceptional
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No, never did. Thanks for the reminder though, I'll get in touch again...
Davide Taub joins Gieves & Hawkes
Davide Taub left Maurice Sedwell a few weeks ago to become senior cutter at Gieves & Hawkes. He replaces Kathryn Sargent, who left at the beginning of the year to set up on her own with a board over at Meyer & Mortimer. I know David...
Davide Taub joins Gieves & Hawkes
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I don't know them well enough to comment really...
Carreducker at Gieves on St Crispin’s Day
As requested, some shots of Deborah Carre making shoes in the window of Gieves & Hawkes last week, to celebrate St Crispin’s Day. Brave gal, putting herself on display like that!
Carreducker at Gieves on St Crispin’s Day
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And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered- We few, we happy few, we band of shoemakers; For she to-day that sheds his blood with me is my shoemaker...
Happy St Crispin’s Day
You knew it was St Crispin’s Day right? Patron saint of shoemakers? Well, the English equivalent is St Hugh, but it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. The day is being celebrated by Carreducker, or more specifically Deborah C...
Happy St Crispin’s Day
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Thank you for posting about we craftmen. It just shows you don't need to be buff, shirtless and 20 to attract a crowd! I'll stick to the top hat thanks!...
Gieves & Hawkes becomes a destination
Yesterday was the grand opening of the new Gieves & Hawkes, after an extensive refurbishment and the inclusion of several friends of Permanent Style. Tim Bent has his dedicated room at the front of the store, as well as some beautiful pieces...
Gieves & Hawkes becomes a destination
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@wookie: Looks like a frock of some sort. It screams cavalry or horse artillery, if I had to guess. The UK has the greatest uniforms in the world: those tailors might be the luckiest out there....
Shoe shine from the shoe snob
Justin Fitzpatrick does a mean shoe shine. The aspiring shoe maker and great blogger ( The Shoe Snob) was set up by Gieves & Hawkes recently to do shoe shines for customers as part of its general re-fit (which also includes Bentley’...
Shoe shine from the shoe snob
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Axel, I would never wear trainers outside of training. I sympathise if you are forced to. But I also think it is a mistake to try and apply the rules of formal wear to casual attire like jeans and trainers. Simon...
How great things have aged: Bentleys antiques
It’s easy to think that people have always appreciated vintage items like leather luggage, bags and accessories. But back in the early eighties, that wasn’t the case. It was only in the middle of that decade that taste in the UK started t...
How great things have aged: Bentleys antiques
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I once asked the manager of the Lauren section in a department store if I could possibly purchase one of those great "lid over" leather suitcases they used for display, and she said even she couldn't buy one. I jokingly ...
Carréducker show and training
A quick note to readers in New York that Leffot will be holding a trunk show for Carréducker on Saturday, May 9. Carréducker makes fine shoes in the UK and, most interestingly, runs courses for those interested in learning how to handma...
Carréducker show and training
A quick note to readers in New York that Leffot will be holding a trunk show for Carréducker on Saturday, May 9. Carréducker makes fine shoes in the UK and, most interestingly, runs courses for those interested in lear...