The pop-up shop is back in September, with six ne...

July 19th 2019

  I’m pleased to say that the ‘Permanent Style Presents’ pop-up shop will be back on Savile Row in September, featuring six new brands, and a dedicated week for Bryceland’s. We will be in the same place, in the same...

The pop-up shop is back in September, with six ne...

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Hi Jonathan, It's not I'm afraid, but this is all really useful. I did try a prototype of the sweater in grey but the melange is not great in a fine merino sweater like this - not like a normal mid-weight cashmere. Out o...

July 19th 2019

Best Customer Service 2018: No Man Walks Alone (o...

January 24th 2018

Best Customer Service of the Year: No Man Walks Alone Runners up: The Anderson & Sheppard Haberdashery, Skoaktiebolaget Although there were many categories we could have selected for our Permanent Style awards - launched earlier this month...

Best Customer Service 2018: No Man Walks Alone (o...

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I guess things have changed. Have sent emails to them and literally no response. Emails were regarding a wide ranging of things and still no reply - reward points not credited to account - product information - order tha...

January 24th 2018

Enzo Bonafe hand-welted shoes – factory visit

October 16th 2017

Enzo Bonafe is one of only two men’s shoe factories left in the area around Bologna, Italy. The other is Testoni, and when Enzo left Testoni to set up his own factory, in 1963, there were more than 40 factories in the region. It has been a rap...

Enzo Bonafe hand-welted shoes – factory visit

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Thank you Joseph...

ShoesOctober 16th 2017

Skoaktiebolaget and Stoffa in How To Spend It

April 15th 2017

He looks pretty suave doesn't he? Got a good lean on. Patrick at Swedish shoe shop Skoaktiebolaget recently posed for an article of mine, above, in How To Spend It magazine. (A supplement of the Financial Times, and arguably the top luxury publicat...

Skoaktiebolaget and Stoffa in How To Spend It

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Hi Simon, Have you considered writing for publications like Gay Times or Attitude? Both publications are aimed mainly at men and could increase your audience (and income). Best regards Joel...

Casual clothing - ShoesApril 15th 2017

Retailers Symposium: The discussion

January 18th 2017

During my lifetime, there has been a steep fall in the quality and range of menswear retail around the world. Designer brands have expanded aggressively; independent multi-brand shops have closed; and department stores have often lost direction, fil...

Retailers Symposium: The discussion

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For me, Mike is just describing the competitive environment There will always be room for something that is new, different and better. Much more difficult for the Indie is how you sustain the business. A classic example ...

January 18th 2017

Stockholm: A sartorial shopping guide

December 14th 2015

Swedes may be the best-dressed men on earth. At their best, they combine the classicism of the English with the flair of the Italians – without the stuffiness of the former or showiness of the latter. (Don’t let it go to your ...

Stockholm: A sartorial shopping guide

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That's not really the aim of these articles - it is rather to highlight menswear shops that should be destinations as they are pretty much unique to the city...

December 14th 2015