Autumn/Winter Top 10: Wax, Ivy and secateurs
This year’s A/W Top 10 list includes a sprinkling of new names, but a lot of familiar ones too.
I don’t think this is unexpected or unwelcome. The world of classic, crafted menswear is not large, primarily because men still don’t spend that much on clothing - they buy more, perhaps, but still don’t seem to have the knack of buying the same but better.
Still, as large men’s brands have largely been the ones to struggle or go out of business in the past year, I do wonder which of the small names we know can grow to fill that space. Who can be the new Aquascutum, J Crew, Daks, Brooks Brothers etc? Are any of them that scalable, or progressive?
Something for a future post. In the meantime, here are my favourite things that came out this Autumn/Winter, with brief explanations why.
There’s nothing that unusual about this cashmere polo from the new collection at Colhay’s - Lockie and others do similar two-ply polos, which I also have and love. The point of difference is the colour: other makers never do this dark, dark brown, or indeed the dark olive that Colhay’s does some of its other pieces in (see shawl, top).
I’m also interested in the shirt cardigan, though I suspect I will only use it as a collared cardigan over a T-shirt or shirt, rather than tucking in as a shirt on its own, as is suggested.
The Anthology ‘Civilman’ trousers
The lovely thing about having so many new, young brands in menswear is that they often come up with combinations you wouldn’t have thought of: like these Civilman trousers from The Anthology. They have jeans pockets at the front, flapped ones at the back; they’re classically cut but use a denim-type material; and the finish inside is more akin to jeans or chinos.
The fit is high rise, with a slightly more generous thigh and seat, as tailoring tends to do but chinos often don’t. And the leg line too is straight but not baggy.
The only thing I’d say is, the material is as soft or coarse as denim, it’s almost half way between that and a smarter cotton twill. It’s also definitely white rather than off-white or ecru. So I see them as a really nice, smarter trouser, that happens to have jeans-style pockets.
Most of the Wythe collection isn’t at the level we normally cover on PS - deliberately, as Pete wants to keep it more accessible. But of the few pieces I tried earlier this year, this overshirt felt a step above.
Using a undyed, unbleached cotton yarn, the material feels very natural and slubby. But it’s also beautifully soft with nice body too. The pines design won’t be for everyone, but it’s great over a heavyweight white T-shirt with jeans and boots.
Uniqlo doesn’t call these Ivy, but I do. Because I’ve been looking for a good style here for a while: off-white, wide rib, chunky and hard wearing. The best I’ve found was actually from Anonymous Ism, at John Simons, but they’re no longer in stock.
So Uniqlo, as is often the case, is a good fall back. Not the best quality by any means, and annoyingly they shift into a ‘Heat Tech’ version for winter that has a lot more synthetics. But the colour and style is perfect.
John Simons still has a model without the chunky rib and with a Harvard ‘H’ on it by the way. And End Clothing also does some solid Anonymous Ism options. Just not quite as nice a rib as the Uniqlo.
Mazarin dress ‘Ivy’ socks, via Mes Chaussettes Rouges
In that hunt for Ivy socks, I also tried these from Mes Chaussettes Rouges. They're also the perfect colour and rib, but they’re fine and dressy, not no much a sports sock.
But there will be people who prefer a luxe feel in a sock like this, no matter how casual the effect is supposed to be. And for them these are the best I’ve seen.
I’ve wanted a good fisherman’s knit like this for a while, but all the new ones are too luxe, and the vintage ones too baggy and coarse. The current Sunspel version strikes a good balance: not too coarse to wear over a T-shirt, but still with that rugged feel and faint lanolin smell.
It also has a nice, high collar and a slimmish fit - a far cry from the really bulky ones that were traditionally made so you could layer absolutely everything underneath.
Edward Green waxed-suede Govan boot
Edward Green recently brought out a small range of shoes and boots in a waxed suede, which is the first thing I’ve seen in a while that’s similar to an old Lodger pair I loved (here).
This kind of suede is water-resistant and tough, in my experience, and also ages really nicely. It’s a perfect bad-weather winter boot, but more elegant than, for example, an RM Williams Gardener style.
There’s a grey and a dark brown, in a derby, chukka and chelsea boot. Personally I prefer the dark brown (‘iron’) and the chukka or chelsea. In the end I chose the chelsea, because although I often feel that style is a little slick for me, it’s less so in this boot and last. The chukka would have been great too.
Two things to note here. Most importantly, the cut of this sweatshirt is more ‘V’ shaped than anything else at this quality level. A bit shorter, narrower waist, slightly dropped shoulders. Appealing to anyone that wears higher waisted trousers.
Second, it’s a grey melange with more black in it than the classic sweat you see from Merz b Schwanen and so on. This makes it look less clean-cut, less smart. It’s not an uncommon colour, but worth noting as an alternative.
I’m not that much of a fan of the washes on the Drake’s jeans, but the ecru pair is the perfect shade of off-white, and it’s a great cut: medium to high rise, generous leg without being baggy, and a subtle taper.
I’m a little in between sizes, but I actually prefer the colour of the ecru to my bespoke pair from Levi’s. So if the fit works for you, they’re a great choice.
Niwaki is a Japanese gardening shop that has just opened on Chiltern Street. And it’s run by a reader, Jake, so it must be good.
The products are beautiful, with a real focus on craft, and not all just for gardening - there are kitchen things, a bit of stationery, and some pocket knives.
I bought my wife a pair of the Higurashi secateurs, which are a joy. The same feeling I’ve had from things like my knife made by Sasuke when we were in Japan: it just performs beautifully, and you feel it every single time it’s used.
The Higurashi set count as mid-range, below the pro level but above the starter options. If you’re worried about looking after them well, it’s worth reading the ‘About’ section of the site.
Niwaki is on Chiltern Street, am sure it’s a typo.
Yep, spotted that as soon as I put it up! Corrected
Great to see the recommendation for the EGs. I was after a pair of winter boots and was undecided between the Lanark and a pair of Connemara. The waxed seem a better fit with denim for the winter would you think?
Yes probably.
Simon, do you think the waxed Chukkas would work with tailoring, flannels etc?
With flannels and tweed, just about yes. But not with anything smarter
Can I check – would normal dark brown suede Chukkas be more easily worn with tailoring and therefore more versatile?
Yes they would. Though ideally with tailoring I’d prefer not a chukka but a regular boot
Believe there are also Galways coming out as part of the new collection in waxed suede (someone on Styleforum scraped an image from the EG site).
I have a cashmere shirt from Stòffa (similar to the one Colhay’s offer) and I highly recommend it. In the way you describe it, untucked and over a t-shirt, it offers a great balance between smart and casual.
Thanks Gabriele. I found those a little lightweight and delicate when I tried them on. Did you you think that at first?
Yes I agree that it is delicate, but since it’s never in contact with my skin I’m not planning to wash it very much. And I like that it is lightweight, I tend to reach for it when it’s not cold enough for a warmer cashmere sweater.
Ok, good to know. I meant delicate just in terms of the style by the way, in the same way as lightweight
Got it! Keep us posted if you end up trying one, I’d be curious to know if you like the colors they have available now.
Will do
Hi Simon,
A note to say that I bought 4 knives recently from Eric Chevalier ([email protected]) who was the apprentice to Sasuke in the initial article you wrote and have referenced here again. Eric currently promotes artisan knives from this website:
I cook alot at home and I have some friends who are professional chefs. In our opinion, the knives I got from this site through Eric Chevalier are works of art.
And any queries I had in relation to their keep and maintenance were expertly answered. It was a pleasure to deal with him, so I would heartily recommend him to anyone who might be interested in acquiring products from artisans of such calibre.
Amazing, thanks Joe. It’ll be great to catch up with Eric. The stories he told about that apprenticeship were unbelievable
Great article Simon. Quick question regarding that lovely Civilman trouser by Anthology. Is the denim they use prewashed or will these trousers shrink quite a bit? Just asking since their website doesn’t say anything other than it’s Japanese denim.
I’ve washed mine and they haven’t shrunk much. A centimetre or so at the most. Probably because it’s more of a dress cotton, less denim, as mentioned
Dear Simon
Can you give us a tutorial on how to produce such a stylish, cheesy grin?
Get one of your kids to pull funny faces behind the camera. Always works for me!
Hi simon, i saw this cool vintage piece from broadway which may be great for winter ( and toyed with the idea of getting it but the patterns seems very loud. What are your thoughts on the pattern and on versatility?
I wouldn’t say the pattern is loud –
it’s close enough to a normal buffalo check. I’d only make sure to check the size and proportions carefully
Thanks Simon are buffalo checks an inherently country thing? I live in a humid asian country and will only see myself using this in a more urban environment for overseas travel use in colder climates. I love the design but I’m not sure of the connotations. Are they something you wear while chopping wood in the winter country side to build a fire or can I wear this walking in town in Tokyo?
In Tokyo anything goes!
No, the check definitely has those connotations, but so do Timberland boots to an extent. And the check has been so widely reused now (eg Celine currently).
It’s very casual, but I wouldn’t worry about the associations any more
I think these larger checks, weights & if brushed cotton or flannels need a chill in the ai.
Wasn’t expecting to see secateurs!
By the way, I don’t know if it’s just me but the Instagram stories section seems to be very out of date – last one I can see is the Duke of Windsor tying a tie.
Thanks Aaron. Yes, there’s a bug there we’re trying to fix.
Can you speak to the fit of the Colhays polo? I’ve been eyeing this in brown for awhile but was concerned just how slim it would be given your previous description of the brand. I hoped erring on the next size up may do the trick but was curious of your experience. Thanks.
I think certainly going for a size up should work, but the best thing is going to be to compare their measurements to a knit you already own. It’s the quickest and most reliable method I find
Justin, I got Colhays’ short sleeve cashmere polo earlier in the year. I am pretty slim, wear a 38 jacket, ordered a 40 in the polo, and it works, but barely. I think they mean it when they say they design for slimmer men. The next time I will probably order a 42 from them. I hope this helps. More generally, I really like the design of the polo and the quality, and I will definitely be ordering from Colhays again.
Hi Simon, A useful article, especially in as much, for the introduction to new ideas and brands which you do so well. I can also recommend the Uniqlo socks and whilst I see your point on the synthetic in the Heat Tech winter version, I have found them very good in cold weather with boots (yes a different look) and my toasty toes do appreciate them! Also the Heat Tech vests are a good practical purchase for the colder months.
A quick question, what is your view dark brown suede (ordinary or waxed) Chelsea boots with dark grey flannel trousers say when worn with a tweed jacket or blazer?
Finally was informed by email the 45R store in London is closing. Sad as I don’t like to see businesses closing premises. I think their price point was simply too high for the type of product they were selling. Whilst prices likely reflects their costs, £400 – £500+ for oxford and indigo shirts respectively does not suggest any USP , say compared to for example Clutch Cafe or Nigel Cabourn.
I think Chelsea boots worn in that way can be fine, but it is a slightly more unusual or slightly flashy look, compared to lace-ups. That’s the reason I haven’t had any Chelsea’s before
Thanks Simon. Any views on a tobacco shade of desert boot or Crocket and Jones Latimer Snuff suede derby shoe. Thanks again.
Snuff suedes are a lot harder to wear. Best with denim or with a much paper trouser. Still lovely, but you’ll likely find (with smart clothes) that you wear them about 10% as often as dark brown
Thank you.
Would you consider that waxed suede chelsea suitable for wearing with a business suit on a day with bad weather?
Probably not, no. Sorry, too casual
It does look smarter, but only a bit. Not that much.
You don’t reward it, no. It’s applied during the tanning process, not just on top.
As I said on the Colhays, I wouldn’t wear it all those ways myself
Thanks. Does the waxed suede provide similar weatherproofing to oiled leathers? Living through Canadian winters, I’m always looking for footwear options that are smart enough that I don’t have to change them once I get indoors for at least smart casual outfits.
With my old pair I found that it did, yes. But I haven’t worn the EG pair long enough to say precisely
I loved the look of the pines overshirt, so I just went to buy it. Idk if it was bc I connected from this site, but when I went to pay, it was half off.
It’s from their Spring/Summer collection which is heavily reduced right now but only until Friday when all S/S stock is removed from the site. Don’t hang around if you want one!
Thank you for posting this! It is indeed 50% on sale right now.
Thanks for the article, Simon. I’m a great fan of Colhay’s, and the shawl collar cardigan is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. I have the ecru one, and considering to add the olive or dark brown to my collection. Quality is top notch.
How would you compare the Sunspel fisherman’s knit with those from A&S?
I wouldn’t say it’s quite at the same level as the A&S ones, which are probably Inis Meain. But still very much good enough for a working sweater like this
Now on the other end of the spectrum, how would you compare the sunspel one to this one from Ralph Lauren? My own sense is that I may like the RL one a bit more aesthetically, just not as sure if it works as well over a t-shirt alone.
I haven’t tried the RL one, so can’t really compare I’m afraid. I would only say that as that’s wool/cashmere, it will be much more like a regular sweater, where the Sunspel feels more traditional – harder wearing, a little coarser etc.
And my general experience with the quality of Polo products is not a great one, so I’d be a little concerned there.
What have you got against the washes of the other Drakes’ jeans? I have the stone wash and think they’re great. Great cut and dark enough to be smart-ish, but light enough to go well with navy on top.
It’s not the overall colour, it’s the way the wash and fading is done. It doesn’t look like a raw pair worn in, as most high-end jeans replicate, but rather like a pair that’s simply been washed. Compare them to the kind of fades and washes done by the Japanese brands, like Full Count for example.
I think washes like that are one thing that can make jeans look a little middle-aged, like Dad jeans. Of course, that may be what you want, it’s just a style, it’s just not one I personally like as much.
Did you also mind that kind of washing with your mid wash jeans from anglo italian? If I am not confused they are very similar in the washing style to Drake‘s or Berg & Berg etc.
They are, and I’ve mentioned before that’s one reason I don’t really like the Anglo ones anymore unfortunately. It took me a bit of time to work out what I liked in a washed jean like that, having worn only raw for a long time.
Hi Simon,
A few seasons ago Drake’s collaborated with BLA for their jeans, then launched their own which I felt weren’t as good in colour, tone or feel – I never tried them for fit. In the end I found BLA had more styles, colours & weights of denim. That’s where I bought my Ecru jeans from rather than Drake’s as in the list – & they’ll repair them free of charge should there be a need later. It seems to me to be a trend to collaborate for the cache of a brand then later to do an inferior version possibly manufactured abroad; I’d rather keep it local with an artisan.
As for the waxed suede Chelsea boots I’ve bought a pair & they’re a great alternative to suede boots when the weather is rainy & the fear of salt marks arises.
Nice surprise regarding the secateurs, where I am in need of a replacement pair; but are they too smart for my gardening gear;-)
Hey Steve,
I’m not sure that’s usually what brands are ever trying to do, but it is certainly a trend. I think it’s usually caused more by the fact that brands don’t know quite what they want, or their customers want, in a new category of clothing, so it’s safest to start by working with someone else.
On the secateurs, I don’t think they’ll be smart for long! Use them and love them. And like any tool, just look after it well.
Hi Simon,
Agreed it might not be their intention but it can be perceived as such when they then try their own styling only to be found wanting. They perhaps want it branded if they think they can undertake it themselves. I’m all for collaborations & recognition of artisans like BLA as new variations appear as with the Turnball & Asser/BLA jeans- hopefully they will carry on the association with recognition of the artisan rather than their own attempted copy which might turn out to be inferior.
As for trends is there a move of manufacture of some clothing items to Portugal & away from Italy?
As for the secateurs & our clothes it always pays to look after them & then they will look after you in long service, besides what could be better than polishing our shoes, ironing our shirts or keeping our tools honed.
Yes, I can certainly see that danger, and how that impression is given.
On trends of manufacture, no I don’t think so, it’s more just that Drake’s has moved that way I think.
On tools, exactly
At a different level I noted that Cordings corduroy trousers, which have been of good quality & and reasonably priced & made in Italy are now produced in Portugal. I dare say this is cost driven although not perhaps with the same cache.
Hi Simon, how would you compare the boots from eg with the boots from c&j ? The price difference is almost 1 pair.
It doesn’t really make a difference whether they’re boots or shoes, with both these makers you largely get what you pay for. So better materials, or often more selective use of those materials, a finer and cleaner make, and so on.
Northampton makers are fairly transparent in that way. Prices could be a touch higher or lower depending on what they spend money on, but largely they reflect the product they make. Unlike comparing to a designer brand, where the business is so different in terms of what they spend on marketing, design and stores.
Oh, and of course as with any comparison, there are diminishing returns. So a cheaper shoe will always, in that way, be better value. But that goes for a shoe that is half the price of Crocketts as well.
On this point, I bought a pair of Alan McAfee ( of Cork Street but no longer trading I think) scotch grain monk shoes 40 years ago. I still wear them now & they are in good nick & I still get pleasure in wearing them & admiring the patina of the leather.
I was delighted and surprised to see the brand “Niwaki”, having bought two of Jake’s books on pruning. Far afield from classic men’s clothing but still well within the “craftsmanship” tent.
If I may: how do the Drake‘s ecru jeans compare to the Anglo-Italian ones in terms of colour and cut?
It’s a while since I’ve tried the Anglo ones, but as I recall they are slimmer in the leg, a similar rise at least in the back, and slightly whiter. Of course the measurements on the site will give you a more accurate guide on the first few points. I think the wider cut, at least through the thigh and leg, will be the biggest difference
On a similar note, do you know how Drake’s ecru jeans compare to Blackhorse Lane’s NW1 ecru jeans in both cut and colour? The Drake’s model does look good but I know you’re a fan of the NW1!
The Drake’s ones are rather more generous in the leg and a little higher in the rise. The colour is quite similar
Two quick observations. First, I have many pairs of Anonymous Ism socks (including the off white, which I’m wearing like now) and love them. However, they can occasionally shrink in the wash (at 40 c), which is rather irritating. Secondly, I cannot for the life of me understand the cult appeal of RRL. The style of most of the pieces is him-hum to outright dorky, and their prices make even The Real McCoys look cheap. I can’t help but feel that one pays for a designer mark-up, which strikes me as very un-Permanent Style.
Hey Michael,
Generally quality cotton socks like that are best washed at 30 degrees, and not tumble dried, just in case you’re doing that as well. It might solve the shrinking issue.
I think the styling of RRL things – in campaigns, in catalogues – is always over the top, but then it is with many workwear brands, including Real McCoys often too. And that styling you can just ignore.
They remain appealing I think because the design is often good, particularly the knits and many of the accessories, and there are few brands really doing that. Most are mainstream and cheaper, or niche, Japanese and often too quirky.
The prices are usually about the same as Real McCoys too. The standard McCoys sweatshirt is £180, which is about the same as this.
Hi Simon
Great post , as always.
As a keen user of Niwaki gardening tools for many years, it’s a great pleasure to hear that you’ve also discovered this fantastic seller of some of the finest tools, gardening or otherwise, available.
Not sure if you’ve seen it, but there’s an interview that Gardeners World’s Monty Don had with Jake, maybe a couple of years ago?
Worth checking out if your interested in his back story etc.
I hadn’t seen that, thank you Stuart, I’ll take a look
What would you say is the use case for a fisherman’s sweater? How would you style it? What pants/shoes would you pair it with? In what types of events and/or situations would you wear it?
It’s a casual sweater. So not with tailored trousers or smart shoes – with jeans or with chinos, with boots or loafers. I’d wear an oxford shirt underneath, and a raglan or tweed coat over the top.
I’d wear it on casual days, which means those when I’m not going into town. But of course, for others this might be daily wear.
I’ve got some more questions about the fisherman’s sweater.
1. Yes
2. You wouldn’t want chinos that were too close in colour, no. But khaki or beige, plus of course olive or navy or any other colour with enough contrast, would be fine
What other colors would you recommend for the fisherman’s sweater or would just just stick with the off-white? What about a fisherman’s sweater in navy? Sunspel also has a navy variant of the one you linked.
Navy would be nice, yes, but the traditional style really is that cream, and there are enough navy sweaters out there
Would you also consider a shetland a casual sweater? Do you think a shetland and a fisherman’s sweater would be interchangeable in terms of where you could wear it and what you could wear it with?
Dear Simon,
maybe you should expand your hunting area. Arket has some ‘ivy’ socks with good value for the money (around 10 €).
Speaking of autumn… do you have any experience with the Heimat rollneck?
Best regards
Which ones did you like Christopher? I did look in Arket, as well as Zara, H&M, Cos and a few other high-street places. Uniqlo seemed the best to me
Dear Simon, atteched the link to the the socks from Arket
@ rollneck
I have seen your Brycelands rollneck, but I am bit scared of ordering in Hongkonk in terms of sizing and possible additional shipping costs, despite the fact of increasing my carbon footprint. The Heimat rollneck seems to be thicker, but with a similar cut. So I am interesting, if you have any experience with their products in terms of sizing, cut, etc.
Thank you Christopher. Yes, those socks don’t really have the wider ribbing that is associated with a sports sock and usually with more of an Ivy style.
The Heimat pieces are made in a coarser and denser wool – it’s not one I would wear really.
Dear Simon,
thank you for your response. My source of inspiration for the Heimat rollneck was from L’Etiquette (last year) and Clutch Cafe. ..
Understood. They do look great, but like North Sea Clothing, they’re just too coarse for me
For what it’s worth, I really like the Kamakura vintage Ivy socks
Thank you
Mind if I ask what size you wear in the Colhay polo? I’ve been interested as well but the measurements look pretty small
A 40 – same as I take in the crewneck as well
Hello Simon.
I see your love for cardigans continues. Im in the market for one and have seen the versions of Drake’s, Colhays and Anderson&Sheppard. They are lovely but might also be expensive due to shipping cost. Ive also heard good things about Sctt and Charters but cannot seem to find their version for sale. Or even other brands that (ive heard) use their version. Do you know where they are still to be found? Also have seen a version by Timothy everest at quite a lower price. HAve you seen that one? It seems the offers for good cardigans all come from the UK.
I don’t know where Scott & Charters ones are still sold I’m afraid. The factory was bought out a couple of years ago, so that might be one of the reasons.
I’m not sure why the Everest one is cheaper, but I’d imagine it’s not made in the UK, and perhaps not to the same level as quality (materials as well as manufacture)
Hi! first time poster, love the site. Do you have any recommendations for a fisherman’s knit that is oversized? I really want something that isn’t super baggy but I can wear it while relaxing around the apartment. Thanks!
Hey Patrick,
What do you think of the Sunspel one here? That would seem to fit the bill?
Yeah, it looks exactly what I’m looking for but I’m not really looking for anything fitted. I would like something looser to be worn casually.
Ah OK. I haven’t really looked for that, as it’s not what I’m after. Worth checking the measurements of this one though, just in case it does suit. It’s not that fitted
No worries, I appreciate the response. Have a good one!
Hi Simon
what do you wear your cream ivy socks with. Ecru jeans? Faded jeans? Stone (or similar) chinos?
thanks Malcolm
Lots of things to be honest Malcolm.
Most often: khaki or beige workwear chinos; olive workwear chinos; olive vintage military trousers; mid-blue denim; cream denim.
I even wear them with darker denim sometimes, though that’s more striking and I find mid-blues are more pleasing
Hi Simon. You mention Colhay’s shawl neck, and use it as the article’s top image, but you don’t include it on your list! What are you thoughts on it? Is there a reason it didn’t make the Top 10?
Because it wasn’t a new release this season, which is the focus of these pieces.
I like them a lot, a really nice version of the shawl, and particularly like the dark colours.
Simon, if you’ve tried them both how does the Colhay’s shawl compare to Begg’s? The two cashmere models have similar measurements (though sizes are labelled differently), so is it just down to the colour palette and pockets as the difference between them or are there finer, less apparent details in fit/construction/finish?
There’s also the lack of ribbing on the Begg version – that makes it less traditional. But otherwise it’s mostly colour and pockets, yes
Ah of course, yes I noticed that too and thought that made it perhaps slightly less of an outerwear shawl should the wind get in..
Did you notice any difference in fit between the two, given Colhay’s USP in slim-fit knitwear with its tapered body and smaller armholes vs Begg’s squarer (well, from the photos anyway) body?
Not really. The Colhays is still pretty roomy
Thanks Simon for taking the time to reply to those of us who aren’t in London to try either!
No worries. Never a problem answering comments, cause so many people benefit
I like the Edward Green range…did you have anything against the derby?
It looked a little clompy for me, personally. It’s hard with more rural materials like this – often the last or style has to be a little slimmer to avoid that clompy look
Re ivy socks how would you say these look, maybe too white?
They don’t look too white, no. Ideally a wider rib, but that’s fine. I’d just avoid the blue stripe if I could
Colorful Standard have brought out what they call ‘active socks‘, which have some nice ribbing and in solid colours
Thanks Aaron, but that’s a lot of polyamide in them and not the greatest rib either. To be honest that brand also seems a little cheap and uninteresting to me
I’ve been impressed with the Kenia waxed suede boots by Sanders. An option for those on a budget.
How does the Colhay polo differ from the Lockie one? Is it just the color or is the fit also significantly different (slimmer or shorter maybe)?
Which Lockie one, Bob? (Just to be clear)
The standard Lockie cashmere polo (Oxton cashmere sport shirt). In the description of the Colhay’s it sounds like you own one of these standard lockies, too.
Ah, yes I do, I think that’s the same one sold at William Crabtree.
In that case I think the Colhay’s is a touch slimmer, but not much. The biggest difference is the colour range
Simon, the Crabtree one states that it is 21 gauge, while the Colhay’s one says it;s 12 gauge. Can you notice this difference? Is the Colhay’s thicker? Thanks
No, it isn’t. To be honest I think the Crabtree might be a little misleading there (it is on ply as well)
Are the Colhay’s polo featured in the article and the Lockie one referenced in the comment thicker and more suited to be worn over a shirt than instead of one? And would that rather make them knit rugbies? They do appear quite thicker than e.g. Smedley and PS knit polos.
No, they’re a 2-ply which is standard yarn for this kind of polo knit. You could wear over a shirt or instead of one.
However, they are different to a Smedley or a PS polo, which use much finer merino yarn. This is explained in the first chapters of the Guide to Knitwear.
On the ivy socks: I can recommend the Japanese brand RoToTo. Nice colour, thickness and quality. Trunk have them, but not the same style that I own, I think.
Thanks, that looks nice. Wish Trunk had that model
Simon, apropos of one of your recent IG stories on the EG Camden boot, I thought I’d put in a word for George Cleverley’s MTO offering. I recently collected a pair of MTO boots based on the Robert Chelsea boot but with a Dainite sole and in rough out suede. I’m fond of the square-ish toe and find the rounded toes a little ugly – hence my choices.
The cost and lead time compared very favourable to other makers too.
All the best.
Thank you. What was the price out of interest?
The price was £850 and the lead time around 8 weeks.
Thank you
Hi Simon, may I ask what clothing(jackets/trousers) you wear these days? For instance, do you wear corduroy or still wear high twists? It’s September, but it feels similar to summer.
Many thanks,
Someone just asked a very similar question on another post, Jack. This was my reply:
I think it’s the season for layering lighter layers. So a linen overshirt like this, for example, but with a light knit underneath. Then when it warms up in the afternoon you can take the knit off and just have a T-shirt underneath.
The biggest challenge with these periods I find is those changing temperatures during the day. When I switch to slightly heavier outer layers, I’ll often use a scarf or hat to adjust in the same way.
I see.
Do you think the linens could still work in September, although it is still warm?
On the other side, if someone wears around 12oz wool cloth jacket and mid-weight corduroys/flannels trousers these days as it’s ‘autumn’ regardless of the temperature, would they look out of place?
I think look around you, where you live, and see what you think Jack. Right now in London its wet and overcast – linens would look odd but autumn materials would not. But tomorrow it could be sunny and 20 degrees
Understood, thanks.
Seriously considering the Colhays cashmere polo, do you still recommend it? I recall you mentioning that it doesn’t look good under a jacket–does that make you regret purchasing it? Do you wear it over a collared shirt or just on its own? Thanks!
It’s not great under a jacket, no, and I would only wear it on its own really. So it’s not that versatile in that regard.
However, I do love it on cool days in London. I guess I would say, it wouldn’t be among the first 2 or 3 polos I’d buy, but if you have more than that then it is a nice option to have in there.
Hi, Simon! On the fisherman sweater front, I bought in late 2020 (or was it early 2021?) an amazing one from The Merchant Fox that I cannot recommend enough, it’s just amazing. Don’t know if they still make it, but it is so great. Mine is navy, and a very nice deep shade, but if I recall well they had a natural/beige one too. Strong, sturdy, not too prickly, thick and warm, and slightly fitted. Kept me amazingly warm in the icy Vienna winds. It had a bit of a scent to it, my wife claims it is the sheep scent, which I hope is true 🙂 Plus they shipped it with a complimentary bar of soap on a rope from an English brand, which was a nice and thoughtful gift.
That sounds lovely Stephan, do let me know if they stock the same.
Yes, the scent would be the lanolin – the natural oils that are normally washed out of wool knitwear.
Ah so that is lanolin, thanks.
It seems The Merchant Fox don’t stock the same model now, but a different weave fisherman knit that seems to be cut more straight. The collar is higher and tighter on mine too, and the wool a bit more shiny. And the new one must be a more expensive/luxurious material as it now costs quite a bit more than mine did. You can check it out in 3 colours here:
Mine is actually just like this one, the same model:
Thank you
I’m in the market for some new boots, ideally that I can slip on easily for nursery runs in bad weather (I’m in Geneva and the weather is like glasgow over winter) but that I cam dress up a little.
I was eyeing the EG Govan but I’m struggling to justify the prices tbh. I own a fair few EG but they are becoming increasingly out of reach.
have you looked at other options such as the C&J? Or any pointers for other brands with a similar wax suede?
Thanks in advance
Yes I know, it’s hard. I haven’t tried the C&J options I’m afraid, but I think you’re on the right lines with the material and look, so something similar from them would also work well
Hello Paul. I don’t know how easy it is to physically see C&J in Geneva so here is a close up of their rough out suede leather in brown if that helps, as sometimes official website pictures are met that helpful. I haven’t owned them long enough to comment on their usage. Cheers!
Hi Simon, I was wondering if, since this article was written, you’d found a higher-end alternative to Uniqlo’s off-white socks? I agree they’re great, though have found after a few washes they’re basically normal white. In fact, I go for their ‘natural’ ones, which are much creamier but after said washing settle more into that off-white colour.
Quite a niche question, I realise… but then what’s PS for if not for niche menswear queries?
Interesting, thanks Joe, yes you’re right on the washing out.
I haven’t found one I’m afraid, apart from the occasional Anonymous-Ism pair.