If you only had five (casual) shoes
This is intended to be a partner to the ‘ If you only had five shoes ’ article in our Wardrobe Building guide, which was all smart footwear. Today’s piece is shoes that aren’t smart enough for a traditional office o...
If you only had five (casual) shoes
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I think it would be fine with casual suits actually. Particularly given the fineness of the G&G make...
Reader profile: David
This is the second in our series of articles meeting, and questioning, Permanent Style readers. The first profiled Manish, who enthused about Russian watches and recommended that readers should start building a wardrobe with good trousers. It's wort...
Reader profile: David
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I know i am sounding like a broken record but the reader profile..another well dressed young man....keep it up!!!! Peace...
The weekend capsule wardrobe
A weekend wardrobe can be a particular challenge for guys that care about their clothes. It should be relaxed and easy – not requiring much thought, and a nice change from the working week – yet cover a wide array of activities...
The weekend capsule wardrobe
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1. Yes they'd be similar, though suede is much nicer 2. Yes I think so 3. Yes true...
How I filter fashions
Fashions sweep through the world of classic menswear on a fairly regular basis – no matter how permanent we think our tastes and styles are. I find it pays to consider each carefully, and then over time decide which of three camps it falls int...
How I filter fashions
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Not sure you could quite, but you're right they're very expensive. A lot of it reflects the work that's gone into them, which is why you don't see anything quite like them anywhere else....
High/low dressing
The biggest potential pitfall with tailored dressing is looking fussy. Fussy is not sexy; it is not attractive. It is closely related to appearing ‘affected’ or ‘mannered’. Looking relaxed in clothing, on the other hand, is v...
High/low dressing
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You definitely can do that, play around with more casual trousers perhaps, like jeans, chinos etc...
How to wear trainers: Part 3. Style
This post is an illustrated explanation of how I wear trainers, or sneakers. As with similar exercises on the blog, I have attempted to be as structured as possible, keeping some parameters constant in order to focus on those being discussed. So in ...
How to wear trainers: Part 3. Style
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Hey, No I wouldn't go for CP myself these days, the price has gone up so much. I'd look to another, cheaper version of that style probably. On loafers, remember leather shoes are never really meant to be worn every day -...
How to wear trainers: Part 2. Quality
In recent years, as premium trainers/sneakers have increasingly popular, readers have asked for my view on when they might be appropriate, and when they are, what they should buy. I covered that last point in the first part of this series, ‘1:...
How to wear trainers: Part 2. Quality
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I don't I'm afraid. If you like the styles, I'd certainly recommend CQP, but otherwise Common Projects are the only leather style I wear. There are ones that are similar at a cheaper price - but make sure to carefully co...
Brand round-up: Rubinacci, CQP and Carl Friedrik
A slightly smaller set of reviews in the brand round-up this month, with more focus on the details. Rubinacci suit carrier, £1200 therake.com/brands/rubinacci/bags First up is this leather suit carrier - or garment bag - from Rubinacci, being ...
Brand round-up: Rubinacci, CQP and Carl Friedrik
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Only that I've never heard of that or seen it happen! I wouldn't worry about that too much Lindsay...
How sartorial principles can apply to casual clot...
This outfit, which was shot for the recent cover story of Plaza Uomo magazine, is probably one of the most casual ever featured on Permanent Style. Much like the first image of our popular ‘ Which office are you?’ post, it is the informa...
How sartorial principles can apply to casual clot...
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No, I have that milk colour and it's rather different - no melange and paler...
Colour combinations, from casual to formal
The colour combinations that we discuss every week in regards to formal wear, can be applied just as readily to casual wear. Although there will always be elements that don't crossover (such as the immense versatility of denim) a lot of the themes ...
Colour combinations, from casual to formal
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Thanks Zawaad. No, but I certainly plan something. Thanks for the suggestion...
How to wear trainers – 1: Design
Designer trainers – or sneakers as our American friends call them – are all the rage. A cynic would say that’s because brands have realised they can make big margins on a cheap, lightly designed product. An optimist ...
How to wear trainers – 1: Design
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Both are nice. I would go for the beige just because I already have a similar white. I sized up one from my normal...
My trainers: Common Projects
Some readers might be surprised to learn that I regularly wear trainers. Few should be surprised that there is a rationality both aesthetically and functionally to the selection. My brand is Common Projects. I was introduced to the team there a few...
My trainers: Common Projects
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I think Saphir do something in cleaning products if I'm correct....
Monocle Summer Fayre and Trunk Labs
At the Monocle Summer Fayre this weekend. Monocle’s quirky and intelligent selection of partners and products was on display, as well as some rather fetching goats. It was also the opening day of Trunk Labs: a new branch of Trunk Clothiers a fe...
Monocle Summer Fayre and Trunk Labs
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Hi Tom, I asked friends who are big trainer geeks and they recommended them for the best raw materials and classic styling. I've had them for two years and they've only got better with age so far. Simon...
Michael Browne: Style and the tailor
Most tailors, in my experience, do not have great style. It was always thus: tailors were pushed by their customers, and one of the problems with modern tailoring is the lack of stylish and educated customers to encourage new cuts, materials and styl...
Michael Browne: Style and the tailor
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Hi Jon, I've visited and seen some of Michael's ongoing work, if that's helpful. It's a nice lower-ground floor space on Berkeley Square, which Michael has decked out for him and an apprentice - lots of black. The work s...
The opening of Trunk Clothiers
[Cotton jacket by Beams Plus, shirt by BD Baggies and bow tie by Drake’s] Tomorrow is the official opening of Trunk, an innovative new boutique in London’s Marylebone. Though the shop has been welcoming passers-by for the past few wee...
The opening of Trunk Clothiers
[Cotton jacket by Beams Plus, shirt by BD Baggies and bow tie by Drake’s] Tomorrow is the official opening of Trunk, an innovative new boutique in London’s Marylebone. Though the shop has been welcoming passers-by fo...