Introducing: The yellow PS Oxford (shirt and fabric)

A reader gently mocked me when I wrote about the white version of this shirt and included styling advice. It's a white shirt after all - how hard can it be?
I still defend that guidance: a white oxford is more useful than some people realise, particularly with workwear.
But a yellow oxford definitely requires some explanation. The new colour being launched today is so unusual that I’ve never even owned one myself - until now.
I was interested to try it for that reason, because I'm always intrigued by new potential in the necessarily narrow field of classic menswear.
But it also made sense to try because a pale, faded yellow is such a staple in American oxfords, and the Ivy style that drives a lot of their popularity.
I’m pleased to say that now I have one, I enjoy wearing this yellow PS Oxford more than almost any colour in the range.
The only one that rivals it is the blue, because it is so classic and useful. But the yellow achieves that particular menswear aim of being characterful yet subtle, noteworthy yet quiet.
It draws attention and indeed compliments, but more in the way a well-cut jacket will do. It seems to slot in naturally with everything else, yet you rarely see anyone else wearing it.
(You may observe, quite correctly, that new products always seem to surprise me with how nice they are. But that’s only because the ones that don’t have that reaction never make it onto the site. In this case, a grey stripe and a peach colour both disappointed - yellow was the clear winner.)
So what does it look good with? Let’s spell it out a little, aware of that risk of gentle mockery.
Its most obvious and immediate partner is grey, which is helpful given how predominant that colour is in smart men’s wardrobes.
Grey flannels look lovely with it, as do grey high-twist wools. Grey knitwear and - as pictured above - grey jackets also. This grey herringbone is nice, but a grey flannel suit would be good too.
And as if to collect all the menswear staples, navy is also complimentary. Particularly on the top half: a navy wool jacket or navy shetland crewneck. Both are lovely with the shirt, and perhaps grey trousers beneath.
Then, on the more casual end of the spectrum, this pale yellow compliments jeans.
A paler denim, such as that shown here with my vintage Levi’s, is especially nice, but almost any blue jeans work.
For some reason I find that combination - the washed-out yellow with the much-battered jeans - particularly satisfying. I think it’s because each is so classic yet so casual. They both look better the more they are worn, dirtied, washed and worn again.
And yet they do suggest the idea of dressing with intelligence, with taste.
Moving on, my next favourite colour with a yellow shirt is military green - olive, really - like the sweatshirt pictured above (from Merz b Schwanen).
To be honest, I don’t especially like the colour with darker, stronger greens. But this paler shade is lovely. It could also be a jacket of course, or a tie, or a vintage field jacket.
(Feel free to comment on the attraction or not, the affectedness or not, the many cultural associations, of a sweater worn across the shoulders. But I’ll leave my thoughts on it for another article.)
Yellow is also nice with darker browns, especially suede and leather. And it looks great with faded black jeans - not that I wear them, but I’ve seen it done to good effect.
I think that’s about it for all colours. Easily enough for any yellow-oxford virgin like myself to be getting on with. You all have most of those in your wardrobe.
The fabric itself, is of course unique to Permanent Style and was designed to replicate the rugged softness of old Brooks Brothers shirts.
This fabric can take a beating, but is also one of the most pleasurable things to wear. It gets softer with every wash and wear, even when you’ve worn and washed it 50 times (as I have with my blue one).
It also has a vintage look thanks to the short-staple cotton used in the white weft, which gives the cloth a slubby look.
This is essential in the blue oxford, nice in the striped version, and less noticeable in the white.
But in the pink and yellow iterations, it is absolutely crucial. Without that slubbiness, the colour would not have the pale, washed-out look that makes it so appealing. Both pink and yellow would be too flat. You could make the yarn paler, but it wouldn’t have the depth or texture of this.
If you’d like more on the technical aspects of the cloth - its weight, ply, count etc - have a read of the original launch post on this fabric (designed in collaboration with Italian mill Canclini) here.
The PS Yellow Oxford is available as both shirts and lengths of cloth on the PS Shop site. The latter to be taken or sent to a shirtmaker, if you use one. I’m wearing a Medium in these photos, but I normally have my shirts made bespoke.
Here are some practical points on buying the cloth:
- As with all the PS shirt cloths the fabric is pre-cut into 2m lengths, which should be enough for most guys (roughly, anyone 6’3’’ and under).
- The fabric is pre-washed, but as with most oxfords is still prone to a little shrinkage. We recommend allowing an extra 1cm in the body width and sleeve length, 2cm in the body length
- If anyone wants to send the cloth to a shirtmaker, please put them as the delivery address, including your name (eg ‘Customer: Joe Bloggs’). Then let them know it’s coming.
- The cloth costs £59, the shirts £185, both ex-VAT. Both are shipped from the UK.
And, some points on the shirts, for anyone that doesn’t know all this already:
- The shirts made by the Luca Avitabile workshop in Naples (Luca being the bespoke maker I use most often)
- They have several points of handwork, mostly functional, including hand-attached collars and hand-inserted sleeves. There are also hand-sewn buttons and buttonholes.
- The shirts use vintage-style mother-of-pearl buttons, to compliment the vintage style of the fabric. These can also be requested on bespoke shirts made by Luca.
For more information on the clothes pictured here, see:
- Anthology tweed suit review
- Levi's vintage jeans article
- Red Rabbit silver jewellery (maker of the pin)
- My watches (for details on the Rolex GMT)
Photography: Jamie Ferguson @jkf_man
Sorry Simon – what size do you wear?
How tight is the collar if you do it up?
It’s comfortable. I can just about get two fingers between it and the neck, which is generally what you want
Thanks. Can you supply the neck sizes in inches?
The neck sizes are on the product page – and quite easy to transfer into inches if you want
Any chance you tweaked the sizing a little, compared to the every day denim shirt? The measurements seem bigger on the oxfords. Actually good news for me if that is the case!
The oxfords are a little bit bigger, but just because they shrink a tiny bit (like all oxfords) – that should account for the difference. After a couple of washes they’ll be the same size.
A bold and interesting addition.
Ivy really does appear to be the rage at the moment. I do wonder how long this trend will last. Hopefully you are not wearing white socks!
I’m afraid I do Charles, though only occasionally and with more obviously Ivy outfits that this – eg more with khakis and Alden loafers
Fantastic, I have been looking forward to a pale yellow version of this wonderful cloth ever since I got my first length in the striped version. Congratulations!
Thanks Rafael. I am excited about it, the colour is so perfect
The perfect shade of yellow. Bravo. You absolutely nailed this one. This is superb.
Wow, that is lovely. I had a similar Ralph Lauren one in the eighties and loved it so much. Quick question regarding sizing, did you slightly changed it. I remember my white and pink Oxfords in size L being listed with a 58cm chest. Now it says 62cm. However, the collar still seems to be that slightly too small 41cm for an L.
Yes, see comment above – we’ve added a little bit in the body and the length to deal with a little shrinkage. It should be 2cm in the chest though roughly, so it will still be a 60
Perfect! Are alls the other Oxford shirts resized as well or are those the “former” measurements until they get restocked? Just asking since I’d like that striped one as well.
They’re all in the larger measurements – they have been for a while
Sorry for the off-topic comment, but that lapel pin is lovely.
Cheers. If you’re interested in it or why I like it, see the post on Red Rabbit here
Congrats ! That certainly does fill a gap .
I see it more as a cream colour but regardless it opens up the colour spectrum for most men from just wearing a shirt or polo that is white , blue, grey or green.
Yes, in the photos it does look more ecru/off-white to me. Which is the color I have been searching for months. Do you feel the photos are an accurate representation of the color? Or is it noticeably yellow vs ecru? Though, color can be so subjective anyway, it might not matter.
Yes, the photos are accurate, we worked on that. But it is a soft yellow, not an ecru
I love your promotion of colour. Soft yellows and pinks have been a long time favourite of mine. I find yellow such an easy colour to match.
White thread in the weft. Thanks for adding to my knowledge.
Interested to pull the trigger on your Oxfords but on the fence. When I ordered the denim and after washing it was restricting in the upper body, mainly shoulders, chest and upper sleeve. Yoke measurement is the same as my standard size in 100H which is 44 which is why I pulled the trigger.
I recall you stating the measurements for chest in size small was 100 for Denim, now it seems to be 103 and 107 for oxfords (accounting for 2 cm shrinkage) – this is a good thing. Have any changes been done to the upper sleeve/Bicep? What is the measurement?
Maybe the specific shirt I received was smaller than it should have been, unfortunately and therefore, its no longer in my wardrobe.
Yes I think those old measurements were a little off – I wouldn’t expect a new shirt to be any different to the one you had. It might be worth sizing up and maybe darting the waist if you need it slimmer there. We always do free returns so that’s fairly easy to try if you want to
Hi Simon, wanted to follow up on this comment as I had a similar finding. I have and love an everyday denim but bought (April ‘20) an Oxford and it was tight across the chest and under the arm. Have bought the Anglo Italian OCBD since which is lovely but not at the same level as your offering.
My question is have the sizings of the actual Oxford shirts changed or simply the measurements on the site?
The shirts themselves have changed, with that exact aim, so the denim and oxford should fit the same after a couple of washes
Do you plan chambray restock?
Yes, though not until the end of the year. Email [email protected] if you’d like to be on the waiting list
Does this includes offering ready made shirts by the same time?
Probably not, that will take a little longer
Sizing still isnt really that clear pre post wash. real mccoys do this well:
Click view size guide
Noted. The oxfords should be the same size as the denim after a few washes, which is also described on the product page
Interesting color choice. When I first saw the color I thought it was more of an ecru/cream than a yellow, which would be my preference. Actually, PS Oxford Shirt in off-white is my hope since pure white — and perhaps this yellow too — is too stark for my skin tone and washes me out. Regardless, another well considered and thoughtful selection!
Thanks. I certainly don’t think you’d find this stark, it’s a very soft collar
Simon, what do you think of wearing yellow when one is of an olive/Mediterranean complexion? I’ve read that it is not flattering.
To be honest I can’t really say, not having that skin colour and I don’t think ever having seen a friend of that colour, in that shade of shirt
Over the years I have been buying less white shirts, many varieties of blue seem to complement my Irish skin better – fyi no freckles 🙂 …perhaps similar to you Simon yellow may be more flattering. Additionally as a man in my 50’s I have stopped wearing blue jeans. I was thinking vaguely about getting black jeans instead. I noticed you said that you don’t wear them. Any particular reason ? Thanks and have a great weekend.
Black jeans can be nice, but they’re a rather particular look, not as versatile as any shade of blue really. Can look great, with black boots, grey or navy knit and so on. But I think not as useful as blue and no less danger of looking too young, if that’s what you’re afraid of. Also not great with nearly all tailored jackets
Nice color. I got my first yellow shirt just a few weeks ago, and it is more versatile than I thought it would be.
I have two BB yellow OCBDs. They are great with khakis or jeans, but I don’t think they are as versatile as are pale pink or pale green. I can wear pink or green with a navy or charcoal suit. The yellow just doesn’t seem to work with them. It’s probably just me, but yellow doesn’t look right for business wear.
Thanks Michael, interesting. I like the yellow with a navy jacket. I wouldn’t wear it with a navy suit, but then I wouldn’t wear green either
Great post as always, Simon. Question for you beyond the white vs. blue vs. yellow color:
What are your thoughts on (regular) oxford cloth vs. pinpoint oxford?
I don’t tend to like pinpoint oxfords, because they’re smarter than what I’m normally looking for in an oxford.
There’s a lot more on that and other weaves in this piece, if you’re interested
Thanks—can’t imagine all the work that went into researching all the weaves you covered. What a helpful post, that the rest of us could enjoy without the labor!
Is there any lining in the color of these shirts?
I meant lining in the collar not color.
Yes, there is a light fusing in the collar and cuffs, it’s what I prefer on all my shirts, even bespoke entirely handmade ones. Happy to talk about the reasons why if you’re interested
I loved this article, Simon. I have several yellow and cream shirts, and bright yellows also have their place in one’s wardrobe. A close kinsman to the faded yellow shirt is the cream-coloured shirt. I love cream because it blends so well with almost any other colour. The perfect shade of cream is the one found in cricketing flannels, the colour of Devon cream perhaps. And having played the game at school and university, it has lots of associations for me.
Also, for both yellow and cream shirts, neckties in dark reds and maroons are absolutely lovely. It is exactly the kind of contrast that fresh strawberries placed on a scoop of yellow French vanilla ice cream provides us. A true visual feast as well as a gastronomic delight.
I’ve ordered this and can’t wait for its arrival—love the look. Seems you’ve nailed the faded yellow (just like you nailed the faded pink, which I own and love). I see that this yellow shirt works will with mid-grey, or salt & pepper herringbone. But what about charcoal? Still good? Or is it a little too reminiscent of a bumblebee, or Batman? Thanks for any guidance here.
I think it will work less well with charcoal. Still ok maybe, perhaps with a dark tie, but much better with lighter greys
Thanks! Why do you think that is? Is it the associations I mentioned above? Something else?
Just the way some colours work better together and others don’t. I think it’s that straightforward really
You may be right that I’m overthinking it. I like to think there’s some method to the madness of why some color combos work better than others.
There certainly is some science – see complimentary/contrasting colours for instance. The problem is that there are so many factors: the colour itself, how strong it is, how dark or light, the texture of the material, what else it is worn with, at what scale. Also to a certain extent the light where you live.
I think those things preclude creating a system that is practical and useful to a large number of people. But there can still be good rules of thumb around colours that usually work nicely together, such as mid-grey rather than dark grey with yellow.
Dear Simon, on colour combinations: have you written somewhere about colour combinations and one’s skin tones? If you have not, would you consider it? This appears to be something which women’s fashion pays perhaps more attention to than men’s, but which may go some way towards helping readers understand why certain combinations or certain colours may not work as well for them as for others, etc. Thanks!
Yes Zy, you can find all my thoughts about it – and a nice debate in the comments, here.
The bottom line is, this is a bigger factor for women for several reasons, including the fact they tend to wear stronger colours, a greater range of colour, and bigger blocks of those colours (eg dresses).
And the biggest point for me is that colours that suit you less can always be mitigated by what else they’re worn with.
Another perhaps interesting point on this topic is that charcoal and cream pair quite well–see, for example, the classic charcoal/cream glen plaid sport coat. And this yellow shirt is so close to cream. Yet upon adding just that slightest hint of yellow, suddenly the color no longer works with charcoal. It’s a little puzzling.
I don’t think this is really that close to cream, to be honest. A small change in the cast is all it takes
Tempted, but will wait for Luca Avitabile to start visiting London again before sending an order his way – courier costs from him are going up to 50 Euros in 2021 because shipping companies will no longer count the UK as being in the EU 🙁
Thanks – where did you get that information, out of interest? It’s not what we’ve been told by DHL. Or do you mean, that’s just what he says he will now be charging?
I’ve just had a couple of bespoke shirts delivered and that pricing came from Francesca.
Thank you.
I’m not sure on that… to me he today quoted 20€ shipping… big question, anyone knows he normally quotes price with vat separately?
Fantastic addition Simon. I’ve already ordered my length as I’ve been happy with all the other colours. It’s my favourite PS product (even if others are more exciting) because it can be worn everyday and yet it has a subtle elegance. Just like that pink was my first pink shirt this will be my fist yellow. I find that it can be hard to find muted versions of these colours that don’t stand up too much.
I hope new colours are forthcoming, perhaps a grey?
Thanks Noel. No current plans for other colours I’m afraid, but we will look at some
Hi Simon,
Any plans for re-stock of the blue Oxford?
I recently bought the striped oxford shirt and love it – it’s the most expensive shirt I have ever bought by a factor of four, but I am planning to “buy less and buy better” in the process of building a versatile wardrobe, and appreciate the quality of your shirts and advice
Thanks Matthew. Yes, they will be restocked later this month. Worth emailing [email protected] to get on the waiting list – so you receive an alert when they’re available
I own all your other oxfords. I love four of them; Blue, pink, white, and the blue stripe. I wear ties with all of them. I also have a pinkish complexion as other commenters have mentioned, and the light faded blue washes me out a bit.
In any case, I plan to order the yellow straightaway. Could you give me some ideas for tie pairings with the yellow?
Thank you
Hi Calvin,
Sure. I mostly wear the yellow without a tie, but I do find it’s particularly nice with dark green or with burgundy. It’s also happy with classic navy
Excellent colour,very useful.
Just took delivery of this – thanks Simon, really happy with the fit and with the colour. Yellow is my favourite colour, but i always struggle to find yellow fabrics that look good. this piece is perfect – and will get a lot of wear now my more formal shirts are taking a time-out.
another really strong stable for my wardrobe
Amazing. Thanks for letting me know Paul
What should I look for if I want a coarser than normal oxford cotton? Is it the yarn and amount of twisting that does this? What are the relevant factors? I’m quite new to all of this.
You can find lots of technical information on that in our first piece on the PS Oxford here.
However, you will struggle to find this material really used anywhere. That’s why we created it.
Simon, this is probably an unfair question but i am struggling to find an answer and i thought you might know. I have a few lengths of your various cloth in the UK to send to a European shirt tailor. Do you know how this works post Brexit? I will obviously have to pay duties and VAT on delivery but i don’t want to leave my tailor facing these charges on receiving the cloth? I’m determined not to let Brexit stop me supporting my European friends!
To be honest I’m not sure Rob. I know how it works with commercial shipments, but not certain about personal ones
If you wear a medium – do you only have a 15.25 inch neck?? 39cm = 15.35 inches plus a bit of shrinkage… Just deciding what size to get as I probably have a 15.75 neck but thought I was pretty much exactly your size (6ft, c.40 inch chest, similar build). Basically unsure to get M or L
Yes, I have a pretty slim neck. Though I don’t think I ever really wear these with a tie, so the collar isn’t as much of a consideration.
Can I ask why you don’t wear PS oxfords with a tie? Do you regard the shirts as too casual for ties? I’d always thought an oxford shirt and tie go well with a jacket and trousers–am I mistaken? Thanks.
A oxford shirt button-down is pretty casual for a tie. In the US there’s more of a tradition of it, but in Europe and elsewhere it would be seen as casual and perhaps unbusiness-like.
They can go well together though – and I do sometimes wear one with a tie. I just tend to prefer a smarter shirt when I’m wearing a tie, as overall it’s usually a smarter look.
Hi Simon. If one was wearing a casual suit like cotton or corduroy, or tweed jacket and flannel trousers, wearing knit ties or wool blend ties would look good with the Oxford shirts?
Yes, that would all together nicely
Hi Simon. Just a follow-up question. What other shirts go well with the casual suits and jacket/trouser combos (with knit or wool/cashmere ties) I mentioned above? If I wanted a shirt that is slightly smarter than a traditional Oxford for these outfits, what would be my options? Or is the Oxford still the best choice?
If you want a smarter shirt, you’re probably looking at materials like twill or poplin cotton. There is a lot in our Guide to Shirt Fabrics if you’re interested.
Though personally, I’d still go with an oxford – and you can get smarter versions of oxfords. Most are smarter than ours (oxford is just the weave) and pinpoint oxford is smarter still.
Hi Simon. I was looking at pinpoint oxford fabric after you mentioned it in your previous reply. I didn’t know so much about it before so thanks for bringing it to my attention. So it seems to be in between a traditional oxford and standard business shirts in the formality scale. I would like to add this kind of shirt to my closet.
Since it is in this middle area between casual and formal, would soft collars go with this shirt like a soft button down, or would a regular button down (or other regular collars) be more fitting?
I’d go for a regular collar, not a soft collar
I just bought a shirt in L, the fit is terrific and I really can’t overstate how beautiful the cloth is and the make very good quality as well. The one thing that I can’t get over is the size of the collar. It really is enormous! I’m afraid likely a little too big for me and I will likely be returning. I feel a bit 80’s businessman in it.
Very upsetting as I can’t quite afford to buy the cloth and get it made up (unless you have any less expensive recs than Luca), but also adore the fabric!
Oh what a shame. Obviously it’s a shape I like and works for lots of others, I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you. Having the cloth available is a way to get round this, but you do need to find a cheaper maker. How about Simone Abbarchi? For MTM in particular he’s great value.
Then there are the online places, Luxire etc
The collar of the RTW shirts isn’t for me, either. However, I’ve had lots of shirts made by Simone in PS fabrics and others, including the blue and striped versions of the Oxford cloth, and I’ve been extremely pleased. I’d recommend him.
Nice to hear. Cheers RT
Thanks Simon. If having a shirt made up do you recommend any additional space on the collar for shrinkage?
There is some shrinkage on the oxford, but it shouldn’t really affect the collar to a noticeable degree. You could add a half centimetre if it’s the kind of thing you tend to notice and be irritated by, or have them fitted close usually
Also for the selvedge – I presume no shrinkage there?
The same as the oxford – details are on the product pages of these various things, on the PS Shop site
One more color that goes well over yellow shirt is burgundy, surprisingly enough. Either as a sweater or a casual jacket. I tried it with a thrifted yellowish sportshirt and it is excellent, even though burgundy is not the most popular colour. Perhaps somebody out there will find it cool
I just got my yellow OCBD from Simone Abbarchi. I love the colour – it’s very flattering ( kind?). Simone has, as always, done a really nice job for anyone who is thinking of going to him. I’m just kicking myself for not doing the pink too! I’ve the others – blue, white and the stripe.
Best wishes
Hi Simon,
Now that this version of the RTW shirt – with the extra length and width to account for shrinkage – has been around for a little while, I wondered if you’d any further feedback on quite how much it shrinks? A 57cm chest would fit me but I found the 55cm just a little too snug – though I’m a medium in all other respects. I’ve had size large darted previously, which works, but if a medium fits would prefer just to get that. Cheers.
Hi Joe,
It should be around 3%, which is only going to take 2cm off the chest. So it sounds like you might need the large still. Basically, it should shrink down to the measurements of the other shirts, like the denim
The Anthology jacket looks very versatile. Aside from jeans, which trousers would it look best with?
Loads. Navy flannel or serge, dark-brown, dark olive, beiges, cream or white, stronger colours like red or mustard if that’s your thing. Most colours except for grey basically
Would you wear it with charcoal flannel trousers?
Perhaps. Charcoal worsted would be easier because the textures would be different. And I’d make sure in either case that there was some rich colour like navy or brown going on elsewhere, so the whole thing didn’t become too tonal
This is a really beautiful shirt – I got mine today and will be buying another (probably in white) ASAP.
Just one question on the expected shrinkage (I know there have been several questions about this already) – Since it fits me perfectly in unwashed L (not tight, just enough room, sleeves are the perfect length) should I size up to an XL to account for wash-shrinkage? Would the expected shrinkage after a wash take an XL down closer to the size of an unwashed L?
Probably not quite Sean. Have a look at the measurements of our other shirts – the denims for example. The Oxford is cut a little bigger with the aim of shrinking slightly so all the shirts are the same dimensions in the long term
Thanks for the quick reply Simon. Based on the other measurements and the current fit it sounds like it’ll still be fine in all the essential areas after a wash, whereas XL might be too out of proportion. I’ll see how it washes up anyway and I’ll be able to decide if I need to size up on the next one.
On another note I was going to ask this the other day – I got the navy A&S shawl collar cardigan from you a couple of months ago, and a total beauty it is. It hasn’t needed washed yet but when it does, how would you recommend washing it? I watched the wool-care video with Audie from A&S and she suggested they might be too heavy for the washing machine… does that mean handwashing is the only option or do you think it would be ok to machine-wash it on a 20 degree wash, maybe in a cloth bag to stop it getting out of shape? Thanks again.
It should be ok in a machine like that, yes. The issue is not temperature, but agitation. If you have a wool setting that should be fine.
But also, you can literally soak it in warm water and some detergent, for an hour so, and it will do almost the same job. Wool doesn’t need the agitation of cotton
Great stuff, good to know, thanks.
Do these stretch at all and can they be altered slightly? Your small (including polos, shirts and knitwear) have always fit me well in size small. But the yellow Oxford is just a touch tight in the chest. (Also a touch tight in the collar but that doesn’t me because I don’t plan on wearing a tie with this shirt).
They don’t stretch I’m afraid, no. And shirts can’t really be altered to make larger, except for taking out darts and extending sleeves a little
Hi Simon,
Browsing through PS OCBDs. Not many pics from the back and can’t find it mentioned in text, but looks like you have spared center box pleat+ locker loop. This seems to be a favourite quirk of Ivy, your reasons to dismiss it?
Hey Nico,
Sorry, there should be a shot of the back on each product really. I will try to correct that.
Our shirts are not meant to be Ivy pieces. Oxfords have long been made without. And more importantly, our oxfords are meant to be a touch cleaner in style than Ivy designs – hence the (still light) lining in the collar, and lack of pocket on the front too.
For me, it means they are more versatile, looking great with even smart tailoring but also with jeans and so on.
When I first got a yellow oxford (Drake’s), I liked it but didn’t love it, it just seemed a bit much with the darker greens, charcoal, navy etc I was pairing it with. What unlocked it for me was putting a lighter blue knitwear over the top; particularly under the summer sun, it tones the yellow down nicely and makes it come across more like a rich ecru or cream to me, which is much more what I like.
Which trouser with the light blue sweater though? I always struggle with light blue knitwear. I suppose maybe a beige or olive chino would work best.
Hey Simon
Got a couple of questions about the sweatshirt. Do you still wear it?
Ive been looking for the perfect sweatshirt for a while, but find the real mccoys ones a little out of my budget for such an item. Got a couple of sweatshirts from Camber which are great but are a real look. Hulkingly large in the upper body,. Quite a boxy 80s boxer look which works for certain outfits but I’m on the hunt for a more versatile sweatshirt.
Do Merz sweatshirts hold their shape? Would you (and could you if not would) wear it under a sports jacket?
Do you still wear this brand after finding it the real mccoys offering?
Hey Jackson,
No, I don’t really wear them anymore if I have something similar from McCoys. Merz still make great sweatshirts for the price and what they are though. Mine did hold their shape, though one I washed a little too warm and it shrunk a bit.
I wouldn’t really wear them under a sports jacket though – they’d have to be pretty slim to wear like that, in the arms as much as anything else.
Another brand worth looking at generally is the Japanese one Warehouse, which does a big range.
Is there a reason you stopped wearing them or rather saw mccoys as preferable?
Thanks a lot for the tip! I will check them out now.
I saw them as preferable – and experienced it that way as well.
If you like Warehouse I would suggest checking out the other Japanese brands too, that somewhere like Clutch Cafe stocks. There is a good range of quality/price
Jackson, Simon, I’ll chime in if I may. I’ve had a fair few Merz B sweatshirts in a range of colours. I still enjoy wearing them, however some have stretched a bit too much and have been relegated to ‘work around the house’ territory, while others have held their shape perfectly, wash after wash and years old.
Those that have stretched, I’ve realised actually started out bigger in the first place, nearly a full size despite being the same tagged size. I’ve noticed an inconsistency in their sizing, I’d advise you’d nearly be better actually going into a store and trying one or two on and buying the best fit if you can. I do still enjoy wearing them, they’re a nice cut when you get the right one.
My Japanese sweatshirts certainly seem all round a better quality, sizing more consistent as well.
Hi Simon, do you think the yellow oxford will go well with beige / cream trouser with no jacket? I know white oxford simply does not work because the color are too similar.
I think it might be a bit too close, but it depends on the shade – the less yellow the trouser, the more likely it would be to work. Also helps if you can separate the two with a belt
Makes sense. Thanks a lot
Hello Simon – perhaps a trivial question, but do you specify a particular thread (polyester / cotton / other) for your bespoke shirts? Or does your maker decide? Either way, interested to know your thoughts.
Thanks, Jonathan
I don’t, and it’s not something I think much about – sorry, no information I can share there!
Thanks for getting back. I am working with a maker on a shirt at the moment (in PS blue Oxford, incidentally) and the question of thread arose. This maker often uses polyester for its superior strength.
As I tend to prefer a roomier (thought not baggy) shirt and the seams are probably under less stress, I wonder whether that extra strength is needed. A cotton thread would certainly be a nice touch – it would mean the shirt is all-cotton, interlinings included.
I see. To be honest I don’t think it would bother me if it was polyester, given it’s only the thread, bit again I haven’t thought about it much
Hi Simon, I’m a bit annoyed with myself for not picking up one of these yellow shirts when they were first released. Is there any plans for a re-stock?
Yes, we’re planning on bringing them back early in the new year
Ah, that’s great news, thanks
Hi simon do you ever see yourself releasing a ps oxford shirt with a pocket? I think its practical and is a nice casual detail when worn with jeans and is covered up when wearing a jacket. Its the only thing holding me back from trying a purchase
No I don’t think so, it’s not really the role of the PS oxfords – more to be a little smarter than that kind of shirt which is so prevalent now, yet also still wearable with jeans
If we did do another style it would be quite different and be a two-pocket workshirt or something, in a different fabric
I think you were planning some follow up articles in your series on shirt style (on both cut and design). I know I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.
If those are still forthcoming, I’m sure they’d be welcome, as they apply to just about everyone.
Thanks, yes definitely they’re on the list