The Wedding Style Guide: It’s not about you
One of the lovely things about the questions and comments we get on Permanent Style is the trends they highlight.
In the past two weeks there have been dozens of questions on old posts about wedding attire. So I know everyone is thinking about what to wear to that summer wedding.
Here, therefore, is a post setting out my key advice - and linking to all the archive articles on Permanent Style that contain specifics, and illustrated examples.
We have also created a ‘Wedding Style’ guide for this, which sits within the ‘Style’ section of the navigation, above.
When you go through to each suggested post, do also read the comments. There are a lot of questions from readers in there asking about particular scenarios.

1. Dress up
Weddings are a great opportunity to dress up. As business clothing becomes more casual, events like weddings are one of the few times you can dress formally.
Three-piece suits, double-breasted jackets, pocket handkerchiefs, boutonnieres: this is the greatest opportunity to wear them.
Indeed, formal day events and dinners may become the natural home of the suit over time, with standard office wear becoming jacket and trousers.
So take advantage of it. Don’t worry about whether you will be comfortable in the suit, or can dance in it.
If it’s in a hot country, keep the tie but wear linen. Wear a hat, rather than flip-flops.
This is a rare chance for elegance.
Suggested post: ‘Two questions on wedding attire’
An article from 2010 answering the concerns of two readers, and suggesting personal but subtle takes on morning dress and black tie.

2. Not loud
Unfortunately today, many men conflate elegance with dandyism.
A brightly coloured or brightly patterned suit is not elegant. Neither is a loud tie or loud socks. Avoid both bright-blue suits and tan shoes.
Elegant menswear appears simple, but is not. The colours and the patterns are restrained, but the beauty is in cut and texture, in the sweep of a lapel and the razor-sharp line of a trouser.
So wear a non-business but non-loud suit like light grey, or a double-breasted. Take the opportunity to have it made bespoke, so the fit looks amazing.
Don’t wear anything anachronistic like a tie bar or a pocket watch, but do wear a pocket handkerchief and flower in your buttonhole.
And use those latter two for colour - rather than the tie or the socks.
Suggested post: ‘The perfect wedding suit’
An oft-cited article where a friend shows off the elegance of simplicity in a double-breasted, pale-grey bespoke suit

3. Ask the host, not me
The hardest thing about giving readers advice on wedding attire is that weddings are so inconsistent.
There is no longer any broad, socially dictated sense of what is appropriate at a formal day event, such as a wedding.
Some traditional families take the opportunity to be particularly formal, and require a morning suit. Others want to be particularly casual and relaxed, thinking this is more suited to their outlook on life and what they are celebrating.
As a result, I can give readers advice on how formal their suggested outfit is, but it is up to them to work out the formality of the wedding. Based on the invitation, their knowledge of the hosts, or a subtle inquiry to someone close to them.
I would only say, if in doubt, dress smartly.
Suggested post: ‘Clothes for a wedding’
An outfit of my own in grey herringbone and a grey silk tie. Plus a pink cocktail stirrer.

4. The elegance of consideration
This consideration of what the bridal party wants gets to the heart of dressing well at a wedding. The most important thing to remember is: it’s not about you.
Your job is to dress appropriately. To thank the host for the invitation by investing time, and probably money, in what you wear. Not to look fabulous.
If you stand out, you’ve done something wrong. It’s amazing how many men never consider this, even though most women would be conscious of not outshining the bride.
That also means that if the dress code is black tie (despite it being a day event, and therefore an historical oddity) you wear black tie. If it’s a shirt, shorts and bare feet on the beach, then that’s what you wear. It’s not about you.
Indeed, this is something men should bear in mind generally at events, particularly if accompanying a woman. You are there to be her elegant foil, her arm and her support. Not to show off your new alligator loafers.
Elegance is more a way of behaving, than a way of dressing.
Suggested post: 'Reader question - a suit for my wedding'
This reader back in 2009 wanted to know if the outfit he was considering was over the top. It was. But it was easily fixed.

Other suggested archive posts:
‘The contradiction of wedding dress’
In this 2008 post, I present alternatives to renting morning dress, incorporating items from your own wardrobe.
That’s the dress code. So what do you wear?
'Wedding outfit, by popular request'
How to make a navy suit not look like a business suit. Double-breasted, herringbone, light rather than bright.
The way you find out how traditions live and were exercised: by looking at your elders.
The virtues and pleasures of wearing a little flower in the lapel
Thanks. I presume nothing to come on morning dress…. If not here are my tips for readers that might want them:
Black coat (peak lapels traditional, I think notch can be distinctive and cool), grey trousers. Little to no exceptions here (unless you are going racing in all grey).
Waistcoat should be grey if v formal, otherwise buff or pastel. Please don’t go brighter as it just screams too much.
If you want to stand out a bit, here are your options:
Detachable stiff “eton collar”. Possibly with coloured shirt. If shirt is coloured please make it PALE!
Trousers: Make sure they are High waisted. Go for cashmere stripe normally. If you want to change it up, spongebag. If you want to go really crazy go for a subtle PoW check. Don’t go tartan or bright colours (too much again).
Accessories: Simon I really believe you shouldn’t wear a buttoniere unless part of the wedding party. Normally only reserved for Bride-groom and ushers at a traditional wedding. Please be aware of this!
Pocket square – white hank is best, however you can have a complimentary pastel w/ waistcoat if you wish.
Tie: Grey is traditional. I like pale pastels again. One thing to remember – especially if you are the groom – don’t get too small a pattern! they can quite often strobe in flash photography of which there is a lot at weddings! Tie pin is acceptable and can look rather dapper, though don’t combine this with lots of other fun stuff!
Shoes: Not much room for maneuver sadly! As plain a shoe as possible, black oxford is best. High shine.
I hate to sound too prescriptive with all this but it is a bit of a uniform, less room to have fun with it than suits etc. But it does look smart and create a very dramatic silhouette! It is also more than possible to find great morning coats second hand and then make the rest of it up! As with all good things here on PS as well – know the rules first then you can break them!
Simon, please do let me know if you have any thoughts (or want any photos, I had some tails made recently at W&S and they are v nice!)
Really useful, thank you very much.
I know what you mean on boutonniere – it’s perhaps something you should check on with the host too. It is a lovely occasion to wear one if you can though
I was about to say the same thing about the buttonhole. If you’re not part of the wedding party then wearing a flower is a sure fire way of standing out.
That is a super helpful summary on morning dress. Much appreciated. I have to agree on buttonholes too – better to go without and if the wedding party would like you to wear one they’ll provide one on the day.
I love how there’s tons of beautiful vintage morning coats available, but I fear looking a tad anachronistic in one at a wedding. I’d love to wear one, but I wouldn’t want to put myself in the spotlight.
I actually bought a navy (wool cavalry twill, quite short as was the style then) morning coat from 1897 a little while ago just for fun, do you think it would be at all wearable? It looks quite stunning but I’m not sure I’ll ever get to wear it.
Personally, no Tim. It would be odd and possibly rude to wear to a wedding where that wasn’t the dress code
Just need to go to a formal event, horse racing and so on, instead
I like all the suggestions of the original anonymous poster.
As for Tim’s question, I think again it’s a question of checking about the dress code. The most elegant weddings I’ve been to have had a flexible approach to morning dress – if the guests have their own then feel free to wear it, but if you don’t then wear a smart suit.
Thanks! With name now. Definitely the way to go with suits. On a celebratory day you want people to feel comfortable, and if they aren’t in a morning suit then they can look smart another way!
In the royal wedding of Meghan and Harry, American actor and bespoke aficionado (he never wears high-end names) George Clooney, who was not a member of the wedding party, wore a simple unpretentious light-grey suit. In this opportunity he stood out for the opposing reason illustrated in this thread, but he still managed to look sharp and comfortable.
Sorry but wearing morning dress to a wedding if it has not been specified on the invitation would be crass in the extreme.
Normally the only get out if it is, and you don’t have it, is your formal military dress.
If it is specified, and you don’t have either, get thee to a decent hire shop.
Always respect the wishes of those who are inviting you.
Hi all,
I am getting married in Italy in June (my wife-to-be is Italian). The marriage will be at a 4pm and the temperature will likely be mid-to-late 20’s.
We are trying to blend cultures with the wedding and one way that I want to do that is for myself and my groomsmen to wear morning suits (very English). However, my fiancé and I do not want my attire to be overly formal and so we have agreed on a navy morning suit which feels slightly more casual but still traditional.
I have two questions (a) does it really matter so much that I am breaking traditional morning dress rules with this colour and (b) do you have a recommendation on what colour waistcoats in particular to pair with this? My inclination is navy double breasted for my groomsmen and grey double breasted for myself (formal and traditionally English but not too formal or too traditionally English) and then to pair these with more brightly coloured ties and pocket squares.I have also thought about grey double breasted waistcoats for my groomsmen and then something like a pink double breasted waist coat (same as bridesmaids) for myself.
What is the best way for this compromise to work or are my attempts to blend cultures futile and my rule breaking too much?
Hi James,
Nice to hear from you, happy to help if I can.
Can I ask why the navy feels like a nice balance? To me personally it feels a little like neither one thing or the other, and a big expense to go through for something you and the groomsmen are unlikely to wear again. If it were more traditional morning dress then perhaps it could have further use, or even be given on / sold on effectively?
Even with plain suits (and perhaps DB waistcoats?) I feel something interesting but more useful could be done. Let me know what you think
Hi Simon, thanks for getting back. The compromise is a colour something appropriate for a smart Italian wedding (where lounge suits might be more likely worn) but with a cut/style more unique to a smart English wedding. Obviously the risk is that rather than everyone being happy, nobody is!
What would be your suggestions on either (a) what and how you might pair in terms of waist coat, tie and pocket square with a navy morning suit or (b) more open-ended any good ideas for trying to blend cultures at a smart anglo-italian wedding?!
Or failing all of that, maybe I should stick with our own traditional culture and dress-code is best..!
My personal feeling is that it’s very hard to get that mix right, and even if you do most people won’t get it.
I’d stick with one tradition, or do something like have everyone wear nice navy or mid-grey suits, and make them more unusual with something like a DB waistcoat underneath – which of course doesn’t have to be worn with it from then onwards.
A regular suit can also be much more elegant and formal if it’s worn with the right things. Eg with a traditional woven silver or grey tie (see elsewhere in the wedding guide), a subtle but classic white linen handkerchief, and a complimentary boutonniere that’s small and in the buttonhole (rather than a massive thing pinned to the outside)
Excellent article and timely. I’ve been one of the people bombarding you with wedding questions.
Another question if I may. Would you only ever wear black shoes to a wedding. Would you ever consider dark brown to be acceptable?
Things like that are very dependent on the host. It might be a beach wedding in flip flops.
But no, if the dress code is fairly normal, suits and ties, then I’d always wear black shoes
…and only white shirt?
Usually, but not necessarily always, no. I rather like a pale blue shirt with a bronze satin tie, under a navy suit
“pale blue shirt with a bronze satin tie”. This would go very nice with a grey suit.
True. I found it nicer with navy, but grey would be nice too. Also, silver tie with blue shirt and grey suit –
see post ‘My favourite formal combination’ for an example of that
You don’t think there’s anything wrong with a blue shirt for a wedding?
Talking about wrong or right probably isn’t that helpful. Blue is always going to be less formal than white. So if you’re trying to be more formal and smart, as you are at most weddings, then white is generally going to be better. But the difference to formality is small if everything else in the outfit is smart – suit, shoes, tie etc. And of course many weddings are not that formal – it depends on the wedding party and what they want.
So yes, generally white will always be better, but it should be considered as part of the whole, and it depends on the dictates of the event.
Oh! That is indeed a very nice outfit. But, with a lighter grey suit, I don’t think the silver tie would have worked. Which colour would you have gone for with a light grey suit?
True, it needs a darker grey.
Perhaps a darker grey, with less shine, like the wedding photos shown in this post. Or a navy with an equally subtle pattern.
Thank you Simon. I’ve seen pictures of the British royals wearing morning suit with contrasting shirts (light blue shirts with white collar/cuffs). Would you approve this type of shirt for a happy day ceremony (wedding, baptism, confirmation) where instead one wears a light grey suit (d.b. or s.b)? Thank you.
Yes, that could be nice. A slight risk of being showy, but if there wasn’t too much going on elsewhere
White collar and cuffs on a shirt worn with a lounge suit?
Please no.
That is true. There is such a risk. I’ll then go, as I always did, for the white shirt. Thank you.
Reasonable advice all. Regrettably many weddings give little notice of dress code (it’s a long time ago since I attended one with morning dress) so a grey suit is usually the option taken. I disagree slightly with your presumption: men don’t confuse elegance with flamboyance – it is simply the overriding fashion of the day (blue suits/brown shoes etc.). The mistake is confusing fashion for elegance. With regards to morning dress the watch chain is not anachronistic: a watch chain is, from a historical perspective, contemporaneous with morning dress; as such, if worn discreetly and with taste, it is perfectly normal and may be seen as part of a wedding or race day ensemble.
Tie bars should clearly not be worn with morning dress but remain a part of the sartorial range of accessories for day wear. Though they many not be to your taste they continue to have a modern appeal especially in the U.S. Unwelcome with morning dress a tie bar is acceptable with a lounge suit, indeed it is one of the small expressions of character (along with shirt/tie/hank colour selection) that might mark an individual sense of dress.
A pocket watch actually should not be part of a wedding morning dress ensemble as a wedding is a church event followed by a private party. In neither occasion is it appropriate to have a watch. This is obviously extremely fussy of me to point out but perhaps someone who is into morning dress for this application will appreciate some degree of fussiness.
Very timely article, thanks! I have been thinking of commissioning my first bespoke suit (mostly inspired by your blog) to wear to functions such as weddings and birthdays but with versatility to wear its jacket with separate trousers – my default style. I’m thinking a mid-weight navy suit with some texture. Sounds like trying to kill all birds with one stone! Any pointers will be most appropriated. Kind regards
Hi Seun,
I’m afraid it probably is that, and I’d suggest not trying to force it to try and be several different things. I’ve made that mistake a few times in the past. Just accept it will be a lovely navy suit, and plan your next bespoke to be a sports jacket, even if that’s a year away
Hi Simon,
I think readers would appreciate an article where you detail your bespoke/general style mistakes. Regular readers would know to avoid flashy things and opt for muted versatility with shoes and tailoring, so what i’m suggesting is a more specific analysis.
Some of your opinions have changed since 2009 and you have learned a lot since then. It’d also be nice to see how you have learned to commission garments in the last 5 years, since you’ve really started to hone in on subtle details at this point.
You have an interview which touched on your rarely worn bespoke commissions, but what i’m suggesting is more of a “what have you learned” that would be less obvious and more specific, yet still useful for readers. Great!
Sure. So different to the ‘Bespoke commissions – what I should and shouldn’t have’ post? More on style points that things bought?
Yes, different to the ‘Bespoke commissions – what I should and shouldn’t have’ post. Precisely — an article about subtle style points and lessons you learned so readers don’t make the same mistakes. It can be as specific as gorge height, cloth lessons, or something more general. Points that regular readers wouldn’t know unless they’ve had the same breadth of experience. Thanks–
OK, will do. Thanks, very helpful suggestion
You’re welcome. You can format it as a list (of 25 things+?) or something shorter, but has a bit of explanation to it. I’m sure you have a lot of great advice.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment that , by and large, the wedding is about the bride, you overlook the fact that women are very indecisive. This leaves men trying to guess what they will eventually settle on. I don’t mean to be sexist, but indecisiveness is a trait commonly associated with the fairer sex.
In general, Simon, (beyond wedding attire), I would imagine your position on wearing bright blue or highly-saturated blue suits (even solid ones) is – don’t.
Is that fair to say?
A very timely post, this morning I was researching “cocktail attire” which is prescribed for a wedding I’m attending in South Africa in December.
Not a dress code I’ve ever come across before for a wedding but it seems to be a close relative of our old friend “lounge suits”.
One added complication is the potential for extreme heat – would an entirely linen suit wrinkle too much?
Yes, cocktail attire generally means less formal tailoring – so a suit and tie usually, with women in dresses that can be above the knee, rather than strictly below.
Dressed up, but not that formal.
A linen suit would be great, and it will wrinkle, but some like that. Also if you’re having it made, try to get it in a heavier Irish linen – see guide here.
Would you consider black tasseled loafers on a formal last inappropriate for a formal (grey suit) wedding?
Probably. I’d probably always wear oxfords. But then if everything else in the outfit is smart, it’s unlikely they’ll stand out to everyone at all
But always black shoes for a formal ie navy or grey suit, wedding?
Unrelated but any updates on your eagerly awaited striped Oxford button downs? I was under the impression they would be ready to order by now.
Sorry Richard, there has been a bit of a delay. It will be the autumn.
Hi Simon,
Well timed post. I’ve used the various links over the years as references points. Very helpful to have them all in one place – thanks!
Currently in the process of planning our wedding at the moment, and while I usually relish the chance to dress for the occasion, for my own it’s become an afterthought!
I am now thinking of getting something made, most likely M2M to keep costs down and like the idea of using something like the Classic option at W&S.
I love the grey’s, like your friends DB or your SB mid-grey. However, as you say, it’s not about me, and my future wife loves me in a blue suit, something about my eyes!
I’m aiming for this commission to become an occasion suit, weddings/christenings and the like. So that rules out a DB, and would like to make it more interesting through the cut and fabric.
It’s hard to tell from some of the pictures on the shade of blue you recommend in these situations. I’m struggling as navy is too businessy, too bright conjures images of tan shoes, tan belt…!
Do you have any recommendations on the shade and fabric?
Look forward to your thoughts.
Thanks Chris. You do realise Whitcomb is bespoke not MTM and would still take a while?
On style, why does it being an occasion suit rule out a DB? That would be great in navy
Finally, yes avoid any lighter shade of blue. Make it more interesting in what it’s worn with, even like a waistcoat. Or have a subtle check
Plenty of time over a year to go. If those prices are bespoke, then that’s sold it!
DB for me would be hard to wear outside my own wedding. Sadly I’ve been to a few formal occasions recently in SB I found myself one of the most formally dressed.
Just found your Air Force blue W&B, that seems the right colour and weight for an October wedding.
Yes, the air force would be nice. Blues like that are so much better in flannel
Sian at W&S cut me a lovely airforce blue flannel suit for my wedding last year. Holland and Sherry cloth. In particular, the pitch on the sleeves was a work of beauty. The tailors also deserve praise for their excellent work too. Very happy with the commission. The wedding was early June in the UK, so I chose relatively lightweight flannel. As an occasional piece I was comfortable with the risk of trousers losing shape longer term. I suggest a heavier weight if you plan lots of use.
My number one tip for people’s own weddings is not to wear new shoes. I’ve seen many grooms suffer from appalling blisters on their wedding day, because everything was worn brand new. Buy them 6 months before, break them in completely – and they will look and feel better. If needs be, have them professionally polished for the day itself.
I couldn’t agree more that the only tip for other people’s weddings is to listen to the bride and groom. I recently went to a wedding in the US where the dress code was Tuxedos, even though it was a day event. As a Brit, it did feel a bit odd to wear an evening suit during the day, but I still had a lovely time and it would have been far more odd to wear anything else.
Great pointers in post and comments.
From my own experience, I’d say the two biggest mistakes I made at my own wedding was my choice of suit and what I put as dress code on the invitation.
I’m not too familiar with the English dress codes, but in Sweden we have one called “Jacket” which traditionally means you should put on a suit. This is a bit contradictory and knowing not a lot of people in my generation are familiar with classic dress codes, we decided to put “dark suit” which is one step more formal.
So what was the mistake? Dark suit apparently was quite different from Jacket in terms of womens wear, moving from cocktail dress to a fancy gown basically. So we had a lot of calls from the female guests asking what to wear, which dresses were acceptable etc. It never entered my mind that cocktail dresses wouldn’t be acceptable as I just thought dark suit = evening events such as cocktail. Not the end of the world, we ensured every caller cocktail dress was fine, but would’ve been better to think twice and fact check.
As for the suit, I ordered a suit in a lovely herringbone fabric, something like an air force blue. The swatch had a slight sheen to it which I didn’t pay much mind. In the end, while the suit fits well, it just came out a lot lighter than I had anticipated, making me essentially not following my own dress code. Now, a bit more experienced, I’ve learned that fabrics usually looks lighter in color when made up than what a swatch might suggest, but this was my first real mtm commission and I simply didn’t know about it.
Had I done it today, I would’ve opted for a dark navy weave, possibly hopsack.
Something to consider for whenever vows will be renewed.
Love this article. One note, it is NOT in good taste to self-adorn flowers at a wedding. If you are part of the wedding party you may be given a boutonnière, even as a guest you may be GIVEN a boutonnière. You NEVER put flowers on yourself then attend a wedding. That is exceptionally crass.
Thanks Jesse, but I’m not sure it’s helpful to be that extreme. Personally I have done so at a wedding and it’s fine. But only when the wedding party is not wearing one, so it’s not part of their dress at all. And usually when I have already arrived at the event, and it’s clear it’s perfectly acceptable
Hi Simon,
How would you adapt the advice for a winter wedding? While I appreciate that most weddings take place in summer, I’m planning to get married around Christmas time in New England (potentially very cold and snowy).
What’s your advice on colour choices, materials etc.?
Similar colours probably, as that’s determined by light rather than temperature. Just heavier cloths?
Hi Simon,
Good question posted by Owen.
Do you feel a heavier fabric such as your RAF W&S will still look just as good in a 3 piece? I love the idea of a 3 piece for a wedding (if SB) especially for later in the evening, where you may want to lose the jacket while retaining a sense of style and respect to the formality.
However concerned it may not carry the same sense of elegance and be close to dandiness.
I generally try to apply your sense of style to formal dressing and keen to hear your opinion?
I wouldn’t do it in three piece for a wedding, no. Purely on colour, not on weight. It would be a bit too dandy
Hi Simon,
What are your thoughts on a placket? Should it feature on any formal shirt, or should the fabric follow to the edge beyond the buttons and fold underneath, and is there a difference in formality? My office wears suits and black oxfords with no tie (typically white shirt). I’m not sure if the bunching of a placket when sitting is desirable.
Having no placket is slightly smarter. However, unless it’s a particularly smart occasion, it’s a.pretty minor point and just personal choice
Hi Simon, I’m looking to cut a wedding suit / tux for my own wedding coming up at the end of next year in 2020. Any suggestions on style, material and cut? Thinking of a tuxedo potentially. I’m based in Asia so would need to commission a tailor in the region to ensure fittings are right etc. In your opinion is there a difference in tailor I should be looking for, over and above the business wear tailors? Thanks for your advice. Calvin
Hi Calvin,
I’d stick with something classic and simple – don’t try and be too unusual. So a single breasted, peak lapel tux, in black or real midnight navy, with a cummerbund or waistcoat. Grosgrain-covered lapels.
Given where you are, I’d try and get to Hong Kong and see one of Prologue, The Anthology or WW Chan depending on your budget.
Any thoughts on attire for a beach wedding in a tropical climate (Mexico)? I have a linen shirt and a cotton suit but it’s supposed to be around 30 degrees there and I’m worried that will still be too warm. Just ditch the jacket? Or bite the bullet and indulge in a guayabera?
I think stick with the cotton suit. Wear it open if you need to, even push the sleeves back a bit. But nice to wear something like that to a wedding. It would even look good barefoot, with a something flowery in the breast pocket
Hi, what is best place to find “The Wedding Tie” or Macclesfield Tie! I have checked Tom Ford. Are any other places you would recommend?
Hi Malcolm,
Yes I wouldn’t try designers like that – you want more classical outfitters that will have a range in stock more consistently. Budd has some good weddings ties, and I would also look at Drake’s and Shibumi.
As most weddings and similar events outside take place when the weather is sunny and warm, wouldn’t a neapolitan cut suit be the best choice (a more conservative style like Ciardi)?
It might be a little more comfortable, yes, but also less formal. And if anything is likely to be a formal event today (though it doesn’t have to be), it’s a wedding.
It also depends a lot on where you are in the world. If it’s the UK, chances are it won’t be that hot, even in the summer. But if it’s southern Europe, or the US east coast, it most likely will be.
I know that the UK is a little bit more conservative and formal when it comes to tailoring (e.g. outside of the UK nearly no one wears morning coats these days) but I don’t think a neapolitan suit is viewed less formal in the rest of the world, especially when considering that with a bespoke suit one is usually the best dressed guest on a wedding anyway.
To be honest, I’m not sure that applies so much in the UK anymore. Very few people wear morning coats (I’d probably count as upper middle class – private school, Oxford – and I’ve never been to one). In fact the most formal weddings I’ve been to have been in Spain, involving Spanish people.
And even in the US, although black tie is a horrible idea for a day wedding from a tradition point of view, that’s more formal than most British weddings.
Anyway, you’re certainly right that pretty much no one is going to notice the difference. And it’s certainly less important than the colour of the suit, and single or double breasted, when it comes to how formal it will seem. And bespoke will make you look smarter too.
But then, most of what we talk about will not be noticed by most people.
Hi Simon.
I just noticed that, in the picture with your daughter, you are not wearing oxfords. This is also refreshing from my point of you, since you and the rest of the bride’s and groom’s relatives and friends are nor wearing morning coats. Again, as you often say, I am almost sure that no one noticed. However, to add a bit of formality, it seems that the pants don’t have turn-ups. Would you mind adding some thoughts or comments? Thank you. Fabrizio
Hi Fabrizio,
You’re right, I’m not wearing oxfords. Although to be honest, if I wear to wear the same outfit today, I probably would do. I just particularly liked the way those navy shoes looked with the suit. That overrode any worries about them being a derby. Though no one would have noticed, no.
The pants don’t have turn-ups, and it would have been more casual if they had. However, I would also classify that as a fairly small detail that not many people would notice.
I hope answers your thoughts
Thank you, Simon, for your thorough answer.
Hey Simon.
Thank you for continuing to push through some good content recently.
I had planned to get a Whitcomb & Shaftesbury bespoke for my October wedding this year. As that’s likely not going to be possible with the turnaround times, particularly the Indian model, I will probably have to go for other options maybe even RTW.
I know you haven’t bought RTW suits in a long while, but would you have any thoughts or brand recommendations e.g. G&H for people in this situation?
Many thanks
Hey Chris,
No problem, really pleased you’ve liked it.
How about going for MTM? That would normally deliver in 5-6 weeks if the Italian factories are all open. You could try Anglo-Italian or Saman Amel (where here). Both would be good, and a lot better than RTW.
Hi Simon,
Could you please tell what cloth was used in your DB navy suit in the article? I’m currently looking at a number of samples (from H&S) for a SB suit I’m having made, and I really love the look of yours.
Hi Mark,
That is a very old suit, and the exact cloth probably won’t be available anymore I’m afraid. But you can find details here
Hi Simon,
This is a really useful post, thanks very much. I’m getting married in the autumn (covid permitting) and have bought navy three piece suits for me and the groomsmen. I also bought navy ties, but think they outfit may be too dark and sober. What colour tie would you recommend with a navy suit at a wedding?
A grey tie – like a classic Macclesfield, known as the wedding tie – would look nice.
See here for example.
Simon, do you have any thoughts on how to dress when there isn’t a particular code, but people are likely to be ‘trying their best’ and that ‘best’ is likely to be quite poor? Poor quality, poor fit and bad coordination choices. This is going to be the scenario at so many weddings these days, and it’s difficult not to stand out in such an environment if one is sartorially inclined and not willing to deliberately dress badly.
I would say the best thing to do is to stand out through quality and fit, but nothing else. So wear a pale grey suit with a white shirt and pale grey tie, where the elegance is in the fit and shape. But avoid the bright blue suit, the loud jacket, or anything similar
Hello Simon!
Sorry to comment on an older post. But I am invited to a wedding in July, with a morning dress code. I don’t currently own one. I normally have my suits made by Anderson & Shepards. It’s a massive difference in style and comfort compared with much of the ready to wear options. I worry that having a morning suit made at almost £8k is a bit excessive for a garment that would see very little wear! Would you commission one in this case or are there viable good alternatives that do not compromise too much on style and fit? It strikes me as the type of garment that would benefit most from a good fit.
It would, you’re right, and yet as you say it’s also likely to get very little wear.
It’s not an area I know a lot about, which is why I’m actually asking a friend to write something on it at the moment. Perhaps when that’s ready you could ask him about possible alternatives if there are any?
Hi Simon – would you recommend a tie style/color for a wedding? I am getting conflicting advice from friends.
I am a guest at a wedding in 2 days, semi formal. I own a charcoal suit and black oxfords. White or blue shirts. I prefer the blue if that matters.
Can go anywhere from Armoury, Paul Stewart, J Press, etc. in NYC.
Hey Henry,
The most important thing with a wedding is to gauge what the wedding party wants – in terms of smartness, any clashing colours etc. But presuming there’s not much guidance there, I’d say you want to go with something smart and discreet. The wedding tie is a thing for a reason – simple, discrete, smart. However, it might be too plain for your charcoal suit, so perhaps something else in a navy, a dark brown, a pale grey, with a little pattern or texture going on. As long as it’s not bright, and so suits the importance of the occasion, you should be fine.
Hi Simon,
I plan on wearing a single breasted suit in navy with a white shirt for my wedding in July.
Now I am looking for a tie and found the following. Do you think this would be fine? also, should I go for the light blue/white model, or rather for the black/silver one? (they also have it in silver and white but I find it might be too “bright”).
Last question, shall the handkerchief have pattern or does a plain white one would be better?
Here is the link to the tie:
I’d go for the black and white, Baldo. It’s the classic wedding tie, and looks more elegant. Plain handkerchief.
I don’t know what’s going on with Viola Milano, but I had issues with them in the past, just FYI. I’d recommend Shibumi if they do something similar.
Thank you for your quick response, Simon. Was it a quality issue?
I’ve checked Shibumi, they don’t do the same but I’ve found the following, not the same pattern but could still fit for a wedding if I’m not mistaken?
They have it hand rolled or self-tipped, i couldn’t find the difference.
No, service.
Yes, that would still be nice.
Self-tipped means there is material in the tip of the tie on the reverse. Hand rolled means there isn’t, and the raw edge is rolled by hand and sewn.
Thank you!
Simon – I am getting married in April next year. I’m about to have mid-grey double breasted suit made which I am quite set on – owing in no small part to your articles such as this one.
My question is about groomsmen. Is there guidance for how closely they should match me? I was anticipating having them in suits of the same style, but single breasted. Should they be wearing the same tie as me as well? Additionally – I am not sure I want to pay for their suits from my bespoke maker. Do you think we will need to use the same bunch of fabric between my maker and theirs? Is it ok to have some small variation?
Thank you
Hey Drew,
To be be honest, dressing groomsmen in the same clothes, or even same ties, is a bit of a modern affectation and not one I think usually looks that elegant. Perhaps just give them all boutonnieres? And if you do, make them small ones that can go through an actual buttonhole in the lapel and be held on the other side. Not the massive corsages that some people pin to the front of the lapel!
Hi Simon,
I am set to tie the knot spring next year, and in turn will be in need of a special (3-piece) suit for the big day.
I am, however, faced with the challenge of doing so within a not-so-generous budget (under £2000/£2500, with a bit of stretch), hence I was hoping for some advice.
Where would you look to purchase a 3-piece suit in the UK?
Given my budget constraints, I understand that bespoke may not be feasible, therefore I’m thinking made to measure is the way to go. If so, where in the UK, preferably in the South East (I’m based in Cambridge), would you suggest has the best made to measure service?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as the sheer number of made-to-measure services available in Cambridge and London can be quite overwhelming, and your insights would certainly help me narrow down this very important decision.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hi Luke,
Bespoke may not be feasible, though check with Whitcomb & Shaftesbury, they be just within range for full bespoke using their offshore service.
On MTM tailors, I’ve listed the ones I’ve covered here. However, quite a few of them are foreign and visiting for trunk shows, which might not work so well for you. In that case, I would suggest trying Anglo-Italian, with the option of Drake’s or Trunk if that style doesn’t work for you.
It might also be worth looking at our recent article on ready-made suits, as many of those companies have MTM options as well.
I hope that helps
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the suggestions, I will certainly be taking a look at Anglo-Italian as I’ve heard good things.
Have you by any chance come across or have had any experience (yourself or others) with Jack Davison Bespoke? I’ve also heard some good things about their MTM service and the fact they also offer Bespoke services, gives me a sense of security in their proficiency with taking measurements/the fitting process and general alterations.
Once again any insight you or any others can give is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
I haven’t Luke, no. I wouldn’t draw that close a connection between bespoke and MTM though, they are quite different systems to master, and one usually internal, one external.
Hi Simon, do you think it would look appropriate enough to wear Edward Sexton’s navy peaked lapel single-breasted suit for a wedding as a guest?
Many thanks,
I would think so, yes. Obviously dependent on the wedding invitation and any requirements from the wedding party
Hi Simon,
My Mother is getting married next year in June and I’m looking to get my first proper suit for the occasion.
Unfortunately, I am faced with a budget that is not suitable for going bespoke (currently around £1000 but will likely be stretched higher depending on how much more I can save). So, it seems ready to wear or made to measure are my only options.
My body proportions are not what I’d call standard for a bloke though, I’m 5’5” and very slim, so I’m not sure how much success I’d have with ready to wear and potential alterations.
I am based in Nottingham, but I will be visiting London in October and I’m hoping to visit some places with a made to measure service. Where would you suggest I should try in London with a good made to measure service or even ready to wear?
I would very much appreciate your thoughts.
Hey Andrew – for RTW, I’d suggest looking at Manish’s piece here.
To be honest we haven’t really covered any MTM that’s at that price level I’m afraid. Sorry, we can’t cover everything.
Hi Andrew,
From the article that Simon is linking I would definitely visit Suitsupply, because it sounds like you might benefit from the short sizes. I just googled and it seems you are about 165 cm tall. I am 172 cm tall and most “regular” sizes are quite long for me. They do have a made to measure service but in can be very dependent on who measures you, and how much you can make your own preferences prevail over their recommendations.
I have not tried the company but English Cut’s MTM2 starts at £1000 – The firm, founded and run by Savile Row tailors, is based in Chiltern Street, Marylebone – I believe that the manufacture of MTM is outsourced to India. I would suggest giving the company a call for a preliminary discussion before visiting. Simon or other commenters may be able to provide more information.
It might be worth considering is Carl Stuart in Yorkshire. The long-established firm has its own large workshop and IIRC makes for suits for other brands, It offers bespoke and MTM which should be within or close to your budget – The construction is likely to more traditional British but call them and also ask for prices. Hope this helps.
Hiya Simon,
What shoe colour would you say works best with a beige/creamy coloured suit, either like the one I am wearing on in the picture or something like this from Cavour:
I barely ever wear suits so really have no experience with trying to match suit and shoe colours. I’m looking at these from Meermin because I have a low budget and they are one of the few places with Oxfords in smaller sizes:
This in brown or burgundy:
This in copper or espresso antique:
This in aubergine, copper or oak antique:
All of them could work, it’s mostly a question of a different look, but i would go for something like the oak antique. That’s a nice middle ground between too pale and showy, or too dark and formal
Hi Simon and team, I have a question about wedding attire. I am going to a three-day hindu wedding with my wife in Bhopal in India in February. There will be five functions and my wife is a bridesmaid. I haven’t been told what to wear other than “a suit is fine”. I have a charcoal grey wool suit from Gieves but I feel I need something else, perhaps local dress, and I know nothing of Indian wedding suits other than what I saw English people wearing in the Ambani wedding photos (not good). Any thoughts? Your site has been an invaluable source for me and any help would be greatly appreciated (apologies if you have dealt with this elsewhere, I searched but couldn’t find anything).